Chapter One- Attack on Metropolis

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(NOTE: NONE of the characters or locations in this story are mine, and they all belong to their respective owners.)

Batman, for all the hell he had seen, Joker, Two-Face, even Darksied, had never seen anything like this.

    He flew high above the streets of Metropolis in his Bat-Wing, looking down upon and analyzing the situation down below. Giant-esque creatures were attacking the city. And they were eating people. The creatures were human shaped, and completely naked- Granted with no form of genetalia in sight. They all seemed to be male, and they ranged in size from three to fifteen meters in height. The only thing that came close to this situation was previous encounters with the super-villainess Giganta- But then, she didn’t eat people, and there was only one of her.Thousands of the large monsters ran rampant. Some crawled, others walked, and a choice few ran. There was no pattern to what the creatures seemed to be able to do- Random ones had random, erratic movement patterns. Batman, a master strategist though he was, couldn’t make sense of it. The worst part was, they couldn’t find a way to beat them.

    The JLA had been in Metropolis for the past three hours attempting to defeat the monsters. Nothing seemed to work. They couldn’t be asphyxiated, this was proven when the Green Lanterns projected massive bubbles around their heads to prevent them from drawing in oxygen. They couldn’t be wounded either. Between Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and a myriad of other heroes, the amount of limbs either cut or ripped off was innumerable- But they kept growing back. Anything they ripped off soon after dissolved into steam, giving no one enough time to properly analyze the remains for a weakness.

    The creatures had come from a huge swirling purple portal that had appeared in downtown Metropolis. It had been spitting out the monsters at an alarming rate at first, but now they came more slowly, thank god. Whenever anyone or anything tried to get close to the portal, a purple arc of energy went out and hit them back. It was never enough to kill, but only enough to send the victim back several yards. It was like the portal did not want to harm them, but simply needed them to stay away.

    “Batman!” Batman heard a high-pitched voice on his communicator- It was Skeets, the robotic sidekick of the hero known as Booster Gold. “They got Booster! Help!” Skeets squealed. Batman, his face growing even more deadly serious, adjusted the course of his Bat-Wing, quickly setting the sensors to locate the origin of Skeet’s signal. Pinpointing it quickly, he activated the the thrusters on his Bat-Wing.

    Rounding the corner of a building, he advanced quickly up the street towards a fifteen-meter monster, with it’s fingers wrapped tightly around Booster Gold. The golden-clad hero struggled in the creature’s grip, while his tiny robotic sidekick fired small energy beams at the monster’s face. The attacks proved useless, as the monster began moving it’s newest meal to it’s mouth. But not if the Dark Knight had anything to say about it.

    The Bat-Wing’s advanced computers quickly calculated a targeting algorithm, and Batman pressed a red button inside the plane. Twin missiles fired from under the planes wings, one hitting home in the giant’s shoulder, dislodging an arm and freeing Booster Gold, while the other arced into the creature’s mouth, blowing it’s jaw off.

    Batman, job done, turned his Bat-Wing down another road, looking for anyone else that might be in need of assistance. But in his turn, he flew straight into the open mouth of a giant. The Bat-Wing shuddered with effort as it attempted to maintain it’s original flight pattern and escape the monster’s jaw, but two massive hands closed around it’s wings and began crushing them. The creature’s eyes found Batman inside the cockpit, and the giant’s gnawing grew more ferocious.

    Batman slammed the eject key, and his seat was jettisoned into the air. As he went up, he quickly threw two explosive batarangs into the eyes of the thing that was eating his billion-dollar plane. The batarangs exploded, causing the monster to reel backwards and drop the plane from its jaw. Batman clicked off his seat belt, and pushed off from the chair at the peak of it’s rise. he shot down like a bullet, compressing his own body for maximum speed. As he got just above the tops of some buildings, he re-adjusted and extended his massive cape, redirecting his momentum causing him to soar over roof-tops. He quickly identified the hero Cyborg standing atop one, firing his arm-cannon into a horde of three monsters several blocks away. Batman used his momentum to place himself near the rooftop, and then released his cape, landing in a roll on the roof-top.

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