Chapter Two- Along Came a Spider

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Elsewhere in the ever-expanding vastness of the multiverse, a different threat was faced by the hero of another world.

A boy named Peter Parker was desperately sprinting, feeling the ground beneath his feet detonate just as he passed, it was clear his adversary was gaining on him. Well, in this case, ‘ground’ is a relative term. Peter was running on a wall. Through an accident at a major companies laboratories a few years back he’d developed adhesive powers(or, as he liked to call it, “stick em’” powers.).

Peter wore a blue and red costume, with what appeared to webs running all over it. That’s right, he was your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Running out of wall to run on, Peter risked a glance back at his adversary. The Green Goblin. A former ally of Peter’s; Norman Osborn; had gotten mixed up with some nasty chemicals from his own lab a turned into the super-villain called Green Goblin. He rode a glider that allowed him to fly, and he loved pumpkins and the color purple, for some reason.

Peter leapt from the wall, altering his inversion so that he faced the ground. He quickly squeezed into his wrist with two fingers, and a burst of sticky web fluid fired from his wrist-mounted web shooters, creating a long web and allowing him to swing just out of the way of the Goblin.

“FIGHT ME, Spider-Man!” The Goblin howled.

“Only if you say please!” Spider-Man quipped, avoiding one of the Goblin’s thrown ‘pumpkin bombs’.

He fired a gob of webbing at the Green Goblins face while doing a backflip onto a rooftop.

The Goblin avoided the burst of webbing and tossed two pumpkin bombs in Spider-Mans direction.

“Aww, presents? I haven’t even gotten you anything yet!” Spider-Man shouted, firing two web lines at either of the bombs.

“I hope you don’t mind if I re-gift these!” He said, as he tugged on the web-lines, causing the bombs to fly even faster towards him at either side. As they got to the end of the line far behind Spider-Man, he pulled with all his might on the ropes and released, sending the two bombs flying back towards their sender.

Twin guns on the Goblin’s glider destroyed the bombs before they got back to him. “I’LL KILL YOU!” He screamed.

“Well, that’s not very nice.” Spider-Man replied, using his webs to practically dance around the Goblin’s glider, gracefully avoiding the attacks he made.

“Im tired of this game!” The Goblin snarled, suddenly activating the thrusters on his glider, sending him darting forward at Spider-Man faster than our teenaged hero could react.

The Goblin and his glider slammed into Spider-Man’s torso, and despite having the wind knocked out of him, he still tried to make a witty comment- “A *kaff* game? *kaff kaff* I haven’t even turned on my *kaff* gameboy yet!”

Thinking quickly, he webbed the Goblin’s feet as the green man kicked his web-slinging face with large and oddly curled purple boots.

Spider-Man felt as though his teeth were loosened from that kick as he fell, still holding on tightly to the webs he attached to Goblins feet. He felt resistance on the rope finally, but between his velocity and Spider-strength, it was a simple matter to send the Goblin falling with him.

“SPIDER-MAN!” Goblin howled.

“GOBBY! Wait, why are we shouting each others names?” Spider-Man said, as he pulled hard on the webs, causing Goblin to fall faster while flinging himself up, into a hard kick and Goblins face.

Spider-Man saw a tooth fly out of the villains mouth as his foot collided with Goblin’s face. He webbed onto the glider, still in the air, and was about to fire a web to catch Goblin and prevent him from splattering into a thousand pieces on the pavement below in the New York streets, suddenly, a swirling portal appeared, swallowing Goblin up.

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