Chapter Three- Avengers and Leaugers, Sitting in a Tree...

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Batman stood next to the two tied up people from the portal. The one that Batman had taken down was contained by a pair of handcuffs while the other one was being restrained by a Green Lantern, for fear of him becoming one of those monsters again.

“Start making sense, boy.” A man in a blue overcoat and hat demanded to the one Batman had captured. His name was The Question. He had a few screws loose, even by Batman’s standards, but he was good. A conspiracy theorist, but he had a few kung-fu and detective tricks up his sleeve making him a good member of the Justice League.

“I told you! We’re from the Scouts! Just let us get back to Trost you fuckers!” The boy- Jean he said his name was- shouted. The Question made a tut-tut-tut sound with his tongue and slapped him hard across the face.

He walked over to Batman, and The Dark Knight could practically feel Vic Sage’s eyes boring into him from under that faceless Question mask. “They won’t tell me anything. I suspect this is above my capabilities, unless you can get me to the other side of that portal. Otherwise you need one of those mind readers to do it, but they seem very busy.” The Question said in  fierce tone. He always spoke like that, but in the Flash’s words it gave everyone “the willies”.

“I’ll have J’onn deal with it once we clear the rest of the monsters out of the city.” Batman said. Vic nodded and stalked off, undoubtedly still turning the situation over in his mind.

“Batman, we got another fluctuation from the portal!” He heard Cyborgs voice report. The Dark Knight nodded and cracked his knuckles, ready to destroy another of the monsters.

But this time, humans came out once more. One was dressed in a blue and red spider costume, while the other had green skin and was wearing strange purple garments. As the blue and red figure began to make excited gestures inside the Lantern’s bubble that quickly slowed to gestures of confusion, Batman heard Cyborg shout “HOLY SHIT!”

Batman’s head whipped around in Cyborgs direction, but the hero was looking skyward with his mouth hanging open. Batman too looked up, to see another portal high in the sky above Metropolis. It was massive, bigger than the other one. As he looked, something huge and steel gray began emerging from the portal. It was like a massive aircraft carrier propelled by four huge spinning turbines.

“I want a team up there n-” Batman was about to shout, but he noticed a number of vectors were moving towards them very quickly. Some were planes, other were vaguely human shaped, many were dressed colorfully. They were either heroes, or a massive contingent of villains.

One, clad in red and orange armor, slammed down on to the ground directly in front of the Dark Knight. He stood slowly as some of his comrades landed around him. He looked around, taking in the sights of all the heroes around him. But his armored head centered on Batman. He raised a palm, revealing a glowing cyan circle.

“You have NO idea how hard it was to track those idiots here. But we want them back. And if you won’t give them, we’ll take ‘em.” The armored man said, as his armor began to emit a high pitched whine and the circles glow grew brighter.

Batman narrowed his eyes. “I don’t know who you people think you are, but you’re going to explain what the hell you’re going here, and what those things are!”

The armored figure tilted it’s head slightly. “We’re SHIELD. And what things? You mean you don’t know who those bozos over there are?”

“Start making sense!” Batman demanded, raising a gloved fist. Today was not a good day to piss the dark knight off.

“Don’t have too. Avengers, to action!” The armored man shouted, as a blue laser fired from his glove, striking the Dark Knight in the chest and sending him flying. And just like that, a battle erupted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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