i. someones in a pissy mood

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( accidentally . . . chapter one ! )
( someone's in a pissy mood ! )


[ isalit , alex , blaze it ]

where tf r u ?!

blaze it
yeah ! we've been waiting
for 15 minutes !!

i'm sorry ! i woke
up later then intended !!

i'll be there in five

blaze it
hurry the fuck up

i s2g if i don't get to see the panels i wanna see ima kill you

blaze it
and i won't hold her
back bitch

just open your door


alex stood outside of her friends isabelle's hotel room number, the blonde girl's hands were shoved in her jacket pockets as she waited for the door to open.

the brown wooden door swung open to reveal the platinum blonde rosemary. as usual her face showed nothing but annoyance, displeasure, and boredom. " about fucking time, alex," rosemary spoke, stepping outside of the room to join alexa in the hall.

isabelle followed out right after her, a small glare in her eyes as she looked at alexa. " i swear to god if i miss the - "

" you won't. calm the fuck down, izzy. " alexa rolled her eyes as isabelle closed the door. " let's just go now you losers. "

rosemary shrugged her shoulders, leading the trio down stairs to the convention. at first they walked in silence, still a bit ticked off at alex. it wasn't her fault that she didn't want to come to the stupid thing anyways. she was dragged there against her will by isabelle. rose merely " tagged along " because she didn't want to stay in la by herself.

" how are you not excited to be here?! " isabelle asked in utter disbelief, her hands flew up into the air to make her point. " it's freaking san diego comic con and you aren't showing the slightest bit of interest! even rosemary's excited and she's practically the embodiment of disinterest. "

rosemary turned around, her mouth open to probably defend herself but she closed it and shrugged. " i mean, she isn't wrong. "

alex shook her head chuckling softly. " it's just not for me, guys. " she shrugged her shoulders, hoping to end the conversation then and there. the girls soon arrived at the convention hall, isabelle was barely able to contain her excitement and rose actually looked like she was the slightest bit excited.

" so what are we doing first, you nerds? " alex asked her friends looking first around at the busy place then at her friends with a raised eyebrow. isabelle shook her head at alex, crossing her arms over her chest.

𝗔𝗖𝗖𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗬,   wyatt oleff.   ✓Where stories live. Discover now