xvi. dont be stupid wyatt

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( accidentally . . . chapter sixteen ! )
( don't be stupid wyatt ! )


alexjones just posted a photo !

liked by wyattoleff, blazeitrose, and 15, 983 others

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liked by wyattoleff, blazeitrose, and 15, 983 others

alexjones i love blue more than i love you

view all 6,093 comments

blazeitrose i love blue more than i love myself

user1 rose said it best

user2 rose is a mood ™

isabelleroberts i'm honestly not upset bc same alex

alexjones look at rose being #relatable blazeitrose

blazeitrose oH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE TIME, iTs tImE tO sToP alexjones

user3 ur so pretty alex 😍😍


alexjones aAKFJFJSKA YOU'RE ADORABLE sophialillis

user4 i stan alex and sophia's relationship

user5 who doesn't user4

jackdgrazer i lOVE YOU AND YOUR CAT

user6 jack speaks the truth ™

alexjones tHANK YOU jackdgrazer

wyattoleff you know i'm offended,,,, i assume you'd love me more than blue

alexjones oof idk abt that hun, you're like right below blue tho wyattoleff

wyattoleff i mean,,, that's pretty high up so i'll take it.

wyattoleff and to think i was gonna delete your memes alexjones

alexjones ansjfjdjakala i tHOUGHT YOU LOVED ME WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK OF THAT wyattoleff

user8 why are they like this ??


user10 #alatt ?

user11 no that sounds weird user10

wyattoleff i'm pretty sure its #joleff guys user10 user11

alexjones don't be stupid wyatt it's #wylex wyattoleff

blazeitrose wow i'm freaking out but also, i'm fourth below blue what the fucc wyattoleff alexjones

isabelleroberts biiiitch i'm fifth blazeitrose wyattoleff alexjones

finnwolfhardofficial i think what isalit and blaze it are trying to say is gET MARRIED ALREADY alexjones wyattoleff

blazeitrose i mean sure, what finn said

alexjones i mean no, fuck off :) blazeitrose isabelleroberts finnwolfhardofficial

lmaoo idk which ship name to use so tell me what y'all think

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