xviii. rip vine

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( accidentally . . . chapter eighteen ! )
( rip vine ! )


alexjones started a live video !

alex say with her legs crossed crossed underneath her, she leaned back on her hands. at the moment she was occupied with looking at someone talking in the background. she tilted her head back, laughing and shook her head.

" hey people ! " alexa greeted, finally turning back to her laptop screen in which she was hosting the live. she rocked from side to side as she looked at the viewing count and the comments. " why are you live so late ? " she read aloud then looked at the nonexistent watch on her wrist. " it's like four i don't know what you're talking about babe. "

alex hummer softly as she read the comments. " who were you talking- " the blonde began to read before the door behind her threw open and a platinum blonde walked in.


alex whipped around seeing rosemary with her phone. " why do you have my phone ?! "

rosemary pointed at her, stopping where she was, " FUCK YOU THATS WHY. " the two girls broke out into a fit of laughter both shaking their head at their stupidity.

once they calmed down alex turned back to her laptop. " um, anyways what was i talking about? " she took a moment before remembering. " oh! yeah, i was talking to isabelle who is over there making herself a sandwich. "

" who the fuck are you talking to alexa? " rosemary questioned the girl as she dropped her belongs by the door. she turned to face alex before seeing the girls laptop set up. " oh shit are you live? "

alex held back laughter before looking at her blonde friend. " nah, i don't know what you're talking about. "

rose made a sort of mocking sound, repeating alex words before tossing herself on the couch where she was in view. " i would apologize for my entrance but y'all know you love vine. "

" rip vine. " isabelle sighed, shaking her head in disappointment as she walked into view, a sandwich in hand.

both girls looked at the brunette before looking at the screen. " anyways ! " alex smiles clapping her hands together. " i totally had a purpose and plan of going live but now it's just like fuck it. "

as isabelle sat next to rose, rosemary took her sandwich and bit into it. " be basic and have them ask questions. " the oldest girl said.

alex shrugged and gestures towards her friend. " alright, let's do that. " as the trio waited for some interesting questions, isabelle had taken back her sandwich while muttering some unkind words to the platinum blonde. she moved from the couch onto the floor next to alex, reading the screen.

" someone asked, rose or isabelle. " isabelle read looking at alex with a raised eyebrow. rose, interested in the topic got off and sat with the two. the dirty blonde's eyes widened before shaking her head, " blue. next question "

her best friends shrugged as if they weren't expecting anything more and the three continued looking at the comments before one caught alex's attention, making her laugh.

" so, you can go live but not response to my text? " alexa read aloud looking at her friends. they leaned into the screen trying to reading the comment.

" is that wyatt? " isabelle laughed before rose nodded conforming that it was indeed the curly haired boy. " yep, that's noodle boi. "

alex grinned, waving her hand. " hey. oh, and sorry for not replying, i'll do that now. "

there was a beat of silence, as she pulled out her phone to reply. of course that silence was broken when rose spoke up, " ooh, everyone's saying to go live with wyatt. "

alex shrugged, looking down at her phone. " if he wants to but if not- nevermind, he says he wants to. "

" just request to join, wyatt, " rose instructed, moving forward to accept the boy's request. once he did so and rose accepted it, the screen split to two showing the three girls and wyatt.

" hi, wyatt! " isabelle greeted upon seeing the boy. he smiled and waved, " hey guys. "

rosemary nodded her head in a sort of greeting to him. " good to see you fucker. "

" you too. "

alex laughed as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. " y'all are too much. " she rolled her eyes as she looked at the comments again. " everyone's asking how we know each other. "

wyatt scoffed, nodding his head in encouragement whil alex shook her head. " i don't wanna say, it's embarrassing. "

" you know a fucking actor, how is that embarrassing again? " rosemary questioned.

" because it's wyatt. " joked alex with a half smirk. " i'm kidding ! anyways we met at comic con in san diego, he bumped into me and made me fall and somehow dropped both our phones. me being not very smart accidentally grabbed the wrong phone aka his. "

wyatt along nodded with alexa's story with a smile. " yeah, then we kinda started talking and now we're here. oh and she still has my phone, i have hers. "

rose nodded chiming in, " and then they fall in love. " alex smacked rose's arm signaling her to shut up. " fuck off. "

before things became dynamic isabelle cut in, " yeah, anyways. new topic. "

wyatt laughed at the trio then spoke up. " did you take blue to the vet yet? "

" not yet, we're going in 'bout twenty. " alex replied with a shrug, wyatt nodded.

suddenly alex become intrigued with the comments and reading them. isabelle nor rose seemed to really noticed since it was a habit for alex to get distracted easily. but wyatt noticed. he noticed with concern as a frown etched her lips.

isabelle turned to alex noticing the time, " hey, we should probably end the live if we want to make it to the vet's. "

alex nodded in agreement, " right, we gotta go take my cat to the vets now so we're gonna end the live. it was nice chatting and thank you for joining wy, i'll call you later! bye! "


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