vi. entertain me noodle boi

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( accidentally . . . chapter six ! )
( entertain me noodle boi ! )


cute blonde
yo noodle olaf

noodle boi

cute blonde
whacha doin

noodle boi
nothing interesting

cute blonde
same and i'm v
bored so,,,

cute blonde
entertain me
noodle boi

noodle boi
how so ?

cute blonde
idk let's play
a game

cute blonde
how bout 21q

noodle boi
hmm, nah

cute blonde

noodle boi
okay fine, you

cute blonde
okay,,, favorite book
that has been turned
into a film ?

noodle boi
stephen king's it

cute blonde
bet u didn't even
read the book smh 

noodle boi
okay i read almost
half of the book

noodle boi
but probably
perks of being a
wallflower for real

cute blonde
oof i love the book
and the movie

cute blonde

noodle boi
what do you wanna
be when you're older

cute blonde
besides happy and
not self deprecating,
i wanna be a counselor
or work with kids

noodle boi
i was definitely
expecting some
sarcasm w that
but that was actually
nice to know

cute blonde
i surprise even myself
at times noodle head

cute blonde
okay, if you could
wish for anything
in the world what
would it be ?

noodle boi
the ultimate meme
stash tbh

cute blonde
i wish i could say
that's terrible but
i would wish for the

noodle boi
you could watch only
one vine / meme for the
rest of your life, which
one is it ?

cute blonde
fuck you,
next question

cute blonde
what's your biggest
goal in life ?

noodle boi
to be successful and
happy and to not have
acting career end in

noodle boi
that or again to have
the ultimate meme

cute blonde
wow i hate you

noodle boi
i hate myself too,
anyways what's your
biggest fear ?

cute blonde
obliviousness after death bc
when we all die everything we
did was for nothing so if you
think abt it why really do anything
bc we are just tiny specks that mean nothing in a universe filled with
things probably so much better

cute blonde
oh and ladybugs
they scare the shit
out of me

noodle boi
how tf are u able
to go from contemplating
life to being afraid of
ladybugs in 0.002 secs
flat ???

cute blonde
idk i'm just that
talented noodle boi

noodle boi
okay sure u
are hun

cute blonde
ofc i am hUN

noodle boi

noodle boi

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