xxii. your point is irrelevant

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( accidentally . . . chapter twenty two ! )
( your point is irrelevant ! )


shake it up 👻
hey alex

cute blonde 🖤
hey, what's up !

shake it up 👻
just checking on
how you were
doing ?

cute blonde 🖤
aw thanks

cute blonde 🖤
i'm doing a lot better,
thanks again for staying
up so late to talk to me
it means a lot babe

shake it up 👻
it's no problem love

cute blonde 🖤
well before you start
crying last night i just
noticed something !!

shake it up 👻
that shake it up is
a stupid name and
that you should change
it :)

cute blonde 🖤

shake it up 👻


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cute blonde 🖤

cute blonde 🖤
aNYWAYS as i was
saying it's been over
two months since i
accidentally took your

shake it up 👻
how do you know
this ??

shake it up 👻
do you have it marked
on your calendar like
" the day i took a
strangers phone " ?

cute blonde 🖤

cute blonde 🖤jk i have it markedas " the day i took acute assholes phone "

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cute blonde 🖤
jk i have it marked
as " the day i took a
cute assholes phone "

shake it up 👻
seems legit

shake it up 👻
and good to know
you think i'm cute

cute blonde 🖤

cute blonde 🖤also you literallyhave me as CUTE blonde so i couldsay the same ;)

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cute blonde 🖤
also you literally
have me as CUTE
blonde so i could
say the same ;)

shake it up 👻
your point is

cute blonde
yOuR pOiNt iS
iRrElEvAnT !!1!

shake it up 👻

shake it up 👻anyways what wereyou saying ?

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shake it up 👻
anyways what were
you saying ?

cute blonde 🖤
that it's been two
months and i still
haven't gotten my
goddamn phone

shake it up 👻
right, right

shake it up 👻
do you think you can
come to la anytime

cute blonde 🖤
umm no i can't afford
to go anywhere atm
or anytime soon

shake it up 👻
is everything okay

cute blonde 🖤
okay so my mom
did a real dick move
on my dad where she
wanted a divorce and
then took all his money

cute blonde 🖤
my dad took custody
of me but at the moment
we are in a really tough
spot financially

cute blonde 🖤
the trip to san diego
and comic con was
really hard on him so
i can't really go anywhere
or do anything for a

shake it up 👻
oh wow, i'm sorry
i shouldn't have brought
it up

shake it up 👻
i'm on a tight schedule
for a bit longer so i'm
not able to go anywhere
i'd like but i promise as
soon as we can we'll
figure out something

cute blonde 🖤
sounds good babe

oof this book is so close to ending, i'm planning on like eight is more chapters but i feel like that might be too soon idk.

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