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Harmony's POV

That's it! I can't wait any longer! Dad's been gone for three weeks now and I've stayed sane for as long as I can! Picking up my phone, I dialled Isaac's number and put it on speaker phone so I could get ready. 


H-Puddin'! Wanna help me?
I-With what?
H-An insane rampage. Oh, come on, Puddin'. I've been a good, sane person for three weeks, I can't take it any longer!
I-I'll be there in ten.
H-Love you.

He hung up the phone and I quickly changed into a new outfit:

Once I was ready, I grabbed my weapons and a few sports bags before sneaking out to the garage

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Once I was ready, I grabbed my weapons and a few sports bags before sneaking out to the garage. Isaac was there, waiting for me by my car. "Hey, puddin'! I was thinking we give ol' batsy a run for his money, whilst making money as well." I smiled at him as I got into the car. His eyes gleamed and replied, "To the bank we go." before turning the key and driving off. Now I know what your thinking. 'How come he's driving your car?' Well, funny story. Because of the little sanity that I have left, I kept on smashing into things and other people. So Bat banned me from driving. But that doesn't stop me, I just can't be bothered to at this moment in time. "Go through the back entrance. They won't expect that." I told Isaac, pulling the wheel so we went down an alley near the bank.

When we pulled up, I saw two guards at the door and smiled an insane smile. "Puddin'?" I asked him. He caught on quickly and nodded, making my smile grow. Stepping out the car, I slammed the door to get the guards attention. "Hi, boys! I'm looking for a Mr D?" I asked. They looked at each other as I walked over. One of the guards turned to me and asked, "Full name?" I smirked and pulled out my gun. "Mr Death," I replied before shooting them both. Their lifeless bodies dropped in front of me and I pressed my heel into one of them, applying pressure. As I laughed, Isaac came up behind me and we walked into the bank. "This way," He whispered, pointing to the passage that led to the main building. Following him, we walked into the bustle of the crowd unnoticed and walked to the middle. "Let's let them know we arrived," I smirked before sending multiple bullets to the ceiling, causing everyone to stop and stare. "HIT THE DIRT AND NO ONE GETS HURT!!" I screamed, my eyes turning black. Everyone around me dropped to the floor as I pointed my gun around, and Isaac threw the workers the bags. "FILL 'EM WITH ALL YOU GOT!!" I yelled at them. Isaac wrapped an arm around my waist and muttered in my ear, "Drop it down a notch, ok?" I nodded and calmed down a little bit. A little bit.

The workers filled the bags quickly and I walked over to one of them, watching. "All of it," I muttered as I saw him try and sneak some money into his pocket. I raised my bat and he put it back in the bag, along with everything else he could grab. "Good buy. Now get to the ground before I do what the voices ask!" I told him, taking the bags from the other workers and then him. Now that everything was ours and everyone was on the ground, I gave the bags to Isaac and told him, "Take them to the car, I'll catch you up." He nodded and left, leaving me with the floor level crowd. "Ok, let's make a deal, shall we? I get away easy and you keep quiet or you get hurt. Deal?" I asked them, gun and bat at hand. The majority of people nodded, but then I heard the alarm go off and someone move. "WHO DID THAT!?!? GET OUT HERE YOU WORTHLESS SHITBAG!!!!" I screamed at the top of my voice, walking over to where the movement was. I saw it was a guy around Dad's age with a goatee and brown hair. Darren from the club. "You thought you could get away that easy, pisshead?" I asked, putting my gun to his temple. he smirked at me and I scowled, raising an eyebrow. "Night night, lover boy." I smiled, kissing him before pulling the trigger and shooting him. His blood splattered on me, but I just ran away to the car. 

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