Hotel Talk

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After being led halfway through the airport, we reached this hotel area. I was given a card and told directions. "Penthouse floor, use the card to get in. We'll have your things brought up shortly." I was told before the woman walked off, leaving me to fi d my way around. Bitch! She couldn't even take us up herself! The voices shouted in my head, making me giggle. Well, the penthouse floor would be at the top, so let's go take a lift. Crap, I hate lifts. No worries, I'll be fine. Hopefully.

One of the lifts were already open, so I jumped in and pressed the button marked 'Penthouse'. The doors shut and I backed into the corner, my breathing growing heavy. I really, really hate lifts! I heard a ding and the doors opened to reveal a short corridor with a door at the end. Practically running, I left the lift and pressed ky card onto the scanner quickly. The door opened and I sighed before walking in.

I ended up looking around for half an hour, mesmerized by the beauty of this place. It was really, really nice! The last place I went to was the balcony. Leaning over the edge, I smiled as the breeze hit me, not acknowledging the other person with me for a while. "Princess Harmony?" I heard a voice ask, making me turn and point my gun at them. "Who the fuck are you and how do you know me!?" I screamed, stepping away from them. My heart was pounding and the voices were telling me to shoot, but something else told me I would regret it. "Who are you!?" I asked again, making him raise his hands.

"I'm King Ben of Auradon! Your highness, I don't mean any harm!"

I looked at the boy cautiously. A king at seventeen? Sheesh. Putting my gun down, I sighed in relief and fell onto a chair. "Don't do that again! You scared shit sanity outta me!" I told him, resting my head on my hand. Ben nodded and walked over, sitting in one of the chairs next to me. "Sorry, your highness. I didn't realize you would react like that. Can we start over?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled. "Great. Hi, I'm Ben, King of Auradon. So nice to finally meet you, your highness." He smiled. I turned to him and replied, "Harmony Quinn, Gotham princess. Nice to meet you too." I went to shake his hand, but he lifted it to his lips and kissed it. "Careful, dint want the mrs getting jealous!" I teased, laughing at my own joke.

He laughed lightly and replied, "She won't mind. Moving on, why are you here? I'm sure your father would be very upset when he find you gone." I stopped laughing and glared at the floor, fighting the urge to cry. Dickhead!! Why did he have to say that!? Can we blow him up now? The voices asked, making me hold in my laugher. "He.......he won't know. I mean, it's not like you can call up the dead, is it?" I joked, wiping a stray tear from my eyes and smudging my makeup slightly. Oh well, who cares? Bems face turned into one if shock and regret as he quickly said, "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I didn't realize-"

"Ben, it's fine. He....he died last night and I only found out this morning from my mum."

"And she doesn't know you're here either?"

"She's on a suicide mission to save the freaking world, Ben! And it's not like she cares either, otherwise she wouldn't if gotten herself arrested six years ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, you weren't the one to take her away. Batman and his rotten son were."

"Oh. Ok, well, I.... I have to go now. But I'll come back in the mornin to take you to the Isle."

We both got up and I shook my head, "You don't have to do that. I can sort myself out, I ak a sixteen year old after all." I shut the balcony door and he replied, "Please, it's the least I can do. Along with letting you stay here tonight." My eyes widened with happiness and shock and I spun around him happily, squealing. "Haha, ok then! I'll be here around 1pm tomorrow. Goodnight, your highness." Ben smiled as he stood at the door. I stopped spinning and walked up to him. "Perfect. See you then, Ben." I smirked, kissing his cheek teasingly before pushing him out the door and leaning on

Holy crap. I just kissed a king!

"I kissed a King,

And I liked it.

Taste of his cherry chapstick."

I hummed along to the tune of that song as I went to make myself some dinner. What? I did like the kiss. But there's no way I'm marrying him, even if it is just to make amends with our 'kingdoms'. No way in hell!

Ben's POV

As I walked back to the link, I couldn't stop thinking about Harmony. Her smile, her laugh. Her parents and that kiss. I'm such an idiot for mentioning her parents! If I hadn't of said anything, I would still be up there and making amends with Gotham. And that kiss; did she mean anything from it?

No, don't think like that. There is no way she meant anything from it. But I do need to make amends with her city. Marriage, however, will not be an option. I love Mal and that's final!

Hey! Short chapter, I know, but hear me out. My wattpad app keeps glitching and deleting at least half my work, so I've been rewriting it all day! Literally, I started this at 9:45am today! I hope you liked it, cya in the next one! Bai!

X Caitlin X

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