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Harry's POV

As the boat started to leave,I felt as if someone was slowly placing heavy weights in my shoulders. And each weight was labelled. Will she be okay? Am I ever going to see her again? How will we keep contact? But there was a bigger question overpowering all of them.

Will she replace me?

I really hope I'm wrong, but as I look back at Gotham Harbour, I see Falcon hugging Harmony as they all watch our boat disappear into the distance. It made my fists clench and my eyes narrow into a glare, watching him out his arm on my girl. My property. but the fact that Harmony was letting him made me even more angry. She was crying a few moments ago because we were being split and now she's cozying up to some SV. I guess that answers the will she be okay question. (A/N I just cut the palm of my hand so this is gonna be shorter than I thought.)

Harmony's POV

I kept muttering to Falcon to get off me and let me run off the dock and to Harry, but he kept a firm grip on me and wouldn't let go. Gotta love an overprotective best friend. I thought as I rolled my eyes. Eventually, the boat disappeared into the Gotham fog and everyone started to head back to their holes, caves and homes. My gang stayed with me to make sure I didn't do anything stupid as Mum and Dad went to rob a bank or something. "You guys, I don't need a bunch of babysitters." I told them as we walked to the Wreck. We were gonna have our own party there, just us six. It would've been seven but Isaac was pronounced dead only a day before our court hearing. Ha! As if I cared. That boy had given me hell for now 7 years and I was finally free of him!

Falcon's POV

I watched as Harmony sauntered if front of us. I've missed this girl so goddam much and now she's with a pirate. Great. I looked over at Cassandra and Sarah, who were muttering to themselves. Sarah caught sight of me staring and smiled, blushing lightly. I've never noticed this about her, but Sarah is actually pretty dam hot. Maybe she can distract me from Harms.

Sorry this was so bloody short, but my hand hurts and I wanted to publish this chapter today. Hope you enjoyed it though, cya in the next one. Bai!
X Caitlin X

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