Chapter One

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The Overhead speaker blared 12 times in unison with each other.


Each time seemed to get louder as the kids all huddled into the gym, panicked by the circumstances they were in.

"Okay students, everyone stay calm." The principal boomed over the microphone,"I'm sure this whole thing was a misunderstanding, but until we found out who did it, you will all remain here, even if school has ended. Am I understood?" The students mumbled and whispered among themselves.

"I said, Am I Understood?!" He shrieked.

"Yes, Mr. Donzie." The students recited, bored.

"I brought board games if you kids are bored!" Mrs.

Markly smiled, trying way too hard to be 'hip' and 'cool', as usual.

The students all spread out into their own little cliques, leaving the losers standing in the back all alone. They all looked at each other, embarrassed that they were the only ones left standing and without a board game. What losers.

El was the first to talk, "Hello!" She smiled, but almost everyone in the gym was staring at her, since she just fucking basically screamed in the quiet gym.

"Hey?" Bev looked at her oddly, but was nice.

"Jesus Christ just sit down and I'll get a board game." Lucas huffed and walked off.

"Hey! Don't use Christ's name in vain!" Big Bill glared him.

"Why not? It's not like he's real anyways." Stan gave him a curt glance and looked away.

Both Mike(white) and Roch turned and stared at Stanley boy, "Shut up you Christ-Killer."

"But having an opinion is free."

Will looked over, "I've seen Christ..." As tears rolled down his cheeks, spooked by the events that are rolling out.

Ednar sat down,"You heard him, sit down and wait."

"I brought Dungeons and Dragons!!!1!" Dustin screeched at the top of his lungs.

"No one wants to play that weeb bullshit." Mike(black) snorted.

"What the fuck did you just say about D&D?" Max snarled at Mike(Black).

"I said its weeb bullshit you ginger bitch." He glared down at her.

"What are you, my brother?" Max glared.

"Can we all just calm down and sit please?" Ben smiled.

"Really, listen to Ben." Bev smiled, placing a hand on Ben's shoulder as she walked over.

He smiled, "Thanks, Bev."

"You're welcome, Benny Boy." She fluttered her lashes at him.

"Sit down, bitches! I got Uno!" Lucas screamed.

"Thank god, now I don't have to talk to her." Mike(black) hissed.

"Can we please just play D&D?" Dustin asked as the Mike(White), Will, El, Max, and Lucas all started to chant yes.

"No. Its seven against six. That means no D&D." Mike smirked, satisfied.

Dustin didn't want to argue, not knowing if it would have been racist to do so.

"I mean, D&D does sound fun." Richie grinned at the rest of his friends as he walked over near Will.

"I swear to god if we have to play that there's gonna be more than one shooting threat." Ednar hissed.

"Most school shooters don't have asthma, Eds." Richie stated, "The odds are against you." He finished with a grin.

"The key is to shoot yourself after your done, so you don't have to run, duh."

The two of them started to argue back and forth, but now the odds were in favor of playing D&D, so Dustin and Max started to set up the game.

"There's too many of us, anyways!"

"We can just go into pairs and play." Bill said, "Plus I don't think that Eddie and Richie are gonna be done screaming at each other in time..." He glanced over at them before turning his attention back to the group.

Eddie practically snapped his neck looking over at them,"Who am I gonna pair up with? If you think I want to pair up with any of you, your off your rockers!"

"You can have bonding time and pair with Richie." Bill smiled at them, oddly cynical.

Eddie visibly gagged, "No thanks, pal."

Richie walked over, slinging his arm around Eddie's shoulder, "C'mon Eds, this could be fun." He grinned down at him.

"Get your cancer-infested arm off me!" He screamed, shoving him away.

Richie gasped, placing a hand on his chest, offended, "Eddie..."

"Save it. I'm gonna see if these teachers have blankets or something, It's too cold in here."

"Eyy I could warm you up baby!" Richie grinned, air-thrusting towards him.

"You probably have aids. Gross." Richie frowned, pouting as he crossed his arms and pouted his lower lip over his upper.

"Are we gonna play or not?" Stanley tapped his foot, annoyed.

"Patience, Stanley boy." Max grinned at him before turning back to the board, trying her best to set everything up quickly.

In the far corner of the gym near the doors, a small group of people began to gather, calling for the principal,"Someone ran out of the gym!"

Mr. Donze yelled in that direction, "Billy, get back in the gym this instant!" Whoever Billy was, they clearly didn't stop because Mr. Donze ran out of the gym in pursuit of Billy.

"Aw, shit...." Max cursed, looking down and shaking her head before rushing towards the doors, bursting out the doors.

"What the fuck??" Lucas looked to everyone to see if they knew what was going on.

"That's Max's brother. With you two hanging out with each other all the time, I expected you to at least know that much." Dustin looked over, rolling his eyes before turning back to the board game.


Eddie hobbled back over to the group, about seven thick blankets draped over his shoulders,"Did I miss anything?"

Gay Bois (Original Story) - rough draft -Where stories live. Discover now