Chapter Three

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"Jesus, you want me to go to the special ed room for you?" He snapped back, looking around the room as well.

Richie pointed at one of the computers, "Maybe I should look up your mom's porno on one of these."

"We're leaving this room, then." Eddie sighed, reaching to grab his arm but stopped himself. Instead, we walked off and gestured for Roch to follow.

Roch grinned to himself as he bounced out of the room, following Eddie.

Bev ran across the room, gripping Ben's arm before she ran out, the opposite direction Roch and Ednar had went.

"Where the heck are we going?" Ben yanked his arm away from her.

"We're gonna find the Ice Room... It should be in the westward hall near the Gym..." Bev started to mumble to herself, walking herself through the directions.

"May I ask why?"

"The athletic director has like, knives and stuff. If the shooters come near us, at least we'll be ready for it." Bev stated.

"So are we gonna stay there and hide or bring things back for the others?"

"We're gonna try our best to go back and find the others, but by then the shooters probably would have noticed that stuff is moving around and what not..."

"The others are all scattered to the frickin' wind, how are we gonna find them?"

"We're just gonna have to try! If I were them, I would hope they would do the same!" She looked back at him sternly before continuing on.

Mike(wigger) and off with El, leaving Dustin, Mike(nigger), Lucas, Bill, and Stan. Bill glared over at Mike as Mike mouthed back at him sorry. He grumbled under his breath before he turned towards Stan, "Let's go kill them. For Georgie."

"They haven't got any of us yet, what's the rush?" Stanley smiled innocently.

Bill stared at him like he was the dumbest person alive, "Stanley, they shot my brother. Are you an autismo?"

Stan crossed his arms like a toddler, "Prove it."

"Do you want me to drag my brother's dead body down the fucking hallway, Stanley?" Bill hissed at him, tears rising in his eyes.

"Well, I mean, that's proof, isn't it?" He tried his best to hide his shit-eating grin.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He screamed at him before stormed out of the room, stomping into the hallways as loud as he could.

"Wait- Bill! I was kidding!" Stanley ran after Bill.

"Whatever!" He stormed down the next hallway, way too fast, nearly wiping out.

Stanley frowned and walked into a different room, turning on the lights and looking around the meek room.

Bill turned around, confused on where Stan was and why he wasn't chasing after him to apologize, "Stan..?" He retraced his steps, calling his name.

Henry wiped around the corner of the hallway, nearly spotting Bill but ignoring it, gunning straight for Stanley.

"You had one fucking job, Christ-Killer. And you couldn't even do that!" Henry screamed at him, pulling his gun out and cocking it.

Stanley turned around, shoving himself into a corner,"I'm sorry!" He screamed.

"That's no fuckin' excus-!" Henry was cut off, "Leave him alone!" Bill screamed from behind Henry.

Gay Bois (Original Story) - rough draft -Where stories live. Discover now