Chapter 5

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 Mike(nigger) looked around the nurse's office, where he and Will had been camping out.

"Are you sure we should just be camping out here? It's not like anyones going to show up..." Will muttered.

Almost a second after, Roch came rushing in, blood dripping down his hands as he tossed Eddie on his stomach onto one of the cots. "We need help. Now."

"Uhm, the nurse isn't taking any more patients today." Mike(nigger) joked slightly before looking down to see how bad the damage was, "Holy shit what the fuck happened to him!?"

"Belch shot him." Richie said, rushing over to the other cot, rumbling through the drawers until he found alcohol. "Uhm.....Sure." He said before he poured it into the wound.

Eddie let out a high-pitched wail, "Holy fuck! Ow- Stop, oh my god!" As he cried out, Mike(nigger) searched the cabinets under the sink, finding cotton balls, bandages, ice, anti-infectant ointment, benadryl, and some other random medical supplies. He pulled out almost all of it, not knowing what else to do.

"Is there tweezers anywhere?" He asked hopefully, dumping out all of the supplies by Eddie's feet.

Roch searched a small box under the cot, pulling out things like scissors, scalpels, tweezers, etc. He grabbed the tweezers, looking at Ednar afterwards for approval.

"Do not fucking touch me!" He screamed, turning himself over on the cot.

Richie got on top of him, turning around as he held him down, grabbing his leg. "Ready?

"Get the fuck off me you fucking cunt or I swear to god I'll fucking kill you!" He kicked and squirmed, shrieking his heart out.

"3..2..1.." Richie dove in quickly, opening the tweezers to latch onto the bullet. He grimaced at the noises it made.

"Get it out! Get it the fuck out now or I'll punch you- Oh my god hurry you fucking bitch!"

"I'm sorry..!" He yelled as he slowly pulled the bullet out, blood splashing onto his cheek and a bit on his glasses. Roch quickly squeezed around the wound, pouring more alcohol into it like it was a science fair project.

Eddie yelped, using his goona leg to kick Richie right in his knockers. Richie gagged, almost falling off the the cot as he hunched over.

"I deserved that....I get it ..." Richie hissed as he stood back up, cutting gauze with shaking fingers.

Eddie just glared at him,"Hell yea you did."

He wrapped up his leg quickly, "I really don't think you're gonna have trouble explaining your bruise now.." Roch grinned at him.

"Yea but now I have to explain a fucking bullet wound." Ednar hissed.

"You'll be in the emergency room for months. I'll send a get well soon card if you want." He smiled at him before walking across the room, searching around for crutches.

"Flowers and a balloon, too?" He rolled his eyes, the pain becoming a harsh throb.

"Whatever color you want, Eds." He found a pair, walking over, handing it to the injured boy. Eddie tried to stand with them but stumbled and fell back onto the cot with a soft thud. "Do you need help?" Richie asked.

"Uhm, Yes please." Eddie chuckled as he held out his arms. Richie laughed at him for a moment before leaning down, lifting Eddie up by the waist and throwing him over his shoulder.

"I meant could I lean on you or something, dipshit, not, 'pick me up, papa'." Eddie snorted.

"Welp, too late." He took the guaze, scissors, scalpel, small knife, and alcohol with him as he headed for the door, "You guys comin' or not?" He turned towards the other two.

"Uh, yea!" Mike(not the dead one lol) smiled, grabbed Wills wrist, and followed them out.

Bev rounded the corner, finally finding the ice room.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? Maybe we should go and check on the others or something.." Ben rambled on, trying to avoid going into the ice room, "C'mon, let's just check on the others."

"It's an ice room, Ben. What's the worst that could happen?" Bev said as she walked into the ice room, dragging ben in with her, the heavy steel door closing behind them. As it turns out, the worst that could happen is coming face-to-face with an angry looking Patrick Hockstetter holding hairspray and a lighter. Bev froze for a second before lunging to the side, gripping a pair of scissors.

"Put it the fuck down or I'll torch you, slut." Patrick growled at her. Bev held up her hands, dropping the scissors onto the floor before slowly kicking it towards Ben. Ben looked down at the scissors for a second before returning his gaze to Patrick.

"Toss the scissors over here, Tits." Patrick smiled as Ben kicked them over to him. Bev cursed under her breath at Patrick, holding a strong glare as he hands dropped to her sides.

"So, what brings you to this neck of the woods?" Patricks voice dripped with sarcasm before he gasped dramatically, "You weren't gonna get supplies to try and stop us, were you?"

"Didn't even think about it. We went here just to fuck around, Patrick." Bev hissed at him, glaring.

"Oh! I see. In that case, go right ahead." He laughed,"All right, enough fooling around. Henry told me not to let anyone step foot near here, so I guess I might have to torch you anyway."

Gay Bois (Original Story) - rough draft -Where stories live. Discover now