Chapter One

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It was a fulfilling day. Storm Shadow had informed the G.I. Joes about a secret warehouse where Cobra Commander was possibly hiding at. With a quick burst in and a sweep of the area, the place was clear.

Only one room to go.

Roadblock, heavy gun in his muscled hands, struts down the corridor where Flint said a locked door was waiting to be opened. They make eye contact as Roadblock walks over to the steel door and nod, opening fire on the lock until the door swings open itself. The room itself was horrible, a bad smell lingered in the air. One old and worn bed was in a corner with assorted blood stains on the floor and sheets.

Something was here for a while. And, by the stains, was tortured also.

"Who were they trying to get answers from?" Roadblock whispers to Flint, both steadily walking in the room. Flint accidentally steps on a chain fallen on the ground, and a mass of dirty clothes and metal pieces moves, alerting both of them and they point their weapons. A figure, beaten and deathly looking, was kneeling on the floor. Her clothes old and no longer fitting, head encased in a black helmet and her hands trapped in steel covers, chained to the floor. Her feet were chained together, and what you could see of her skin was sickening, red welts and scars trailed, some hidden by ripped clothing. She looked poor, and barely alive.

Flint makes eye contact with Roadblock, who nods and bangs the back of his gun on the woman's chains, breaking her halfway free. She suddenly springs to her feet, surprisingly limber after her condition, and lunges at the source of her escape. Roadblock springs back a step and they aim again, watching as she fights seconds longer, using one hand to rip the other chain free and wildly pulls at her covered face.

"Get it off." Roadbock orders to Flint, who walks over and unlatches a seal in the back. In seconds the helmet is on the ground and the girl covers in the corner, covering her eyes from the light without a sound. When she finally peaks up at them, her body softens significantly, blonde hair matted and dirty, face bruised and cut up.

"It's alright now." Flint says, leaning in slightly. The girl stands up slowly, taking in her suroundings with almost disbelief and they start to lead her away, Flint offering to carry her but she refuses.

"How long were you here?" Roadblock asks when they get situated on the helicopter, the rest of their team on board also. Lady Jaye looking at her with a type of pity, taking in her unwashed appearence. The mysterious girl, slowly looks at them, a certain man still staring. He hadn't looked away since he spotted her, his entire body covered in black armour. His gaze seemed to be attached to the symbol on her arm, the lines etched into her skin. The rest notice it to, and how she is now connected to a few others in their team.

"Ten years." She finally says, her voice weak and dry. She coughs a few times and gets a hard look, her condition repairing itself on the outside.

"What is your name?" Lady Jaye asks, leaning in slightly.

"Night Stalk." The woman replies. Roadblock looks to Flint, who looks to Lady Jaye, who looks to Snake Eyes. They all were thinking the same thing, but there was one question still.

How and why was she there?

Their questions were going to remain unanswered, because Night Stalk suddenly passes out in exhaustion, finally free.










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