Chapter three

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As soon as they entered the school, Night Stalk was puled around in a short, five minute tour of the room. The other students look up at her in confusion as Night Stalk silently glances at everything, taking in all in five seconds, then smiles.

"Hello, you must be...Night...Shade?" The teacher asks, walking over when the two girls holding her hand rush off to get into their lockers and desks.

"Night Stalk." She corrects.

"Is that what you brought?" A boy asks one of the girls.

"Yeah, she's a ninja."

"No way!"

"Ninjas aren't real." Another boy compalins, but the teacher claps her hands and the day starts. The students hush and start to get out their books for the next class while Night Stalk patiently waits on a stool by the teacher's desk, a yellow visitor sticker on her shirt.

"As you know, today is show-and-tell day. Please keep all items, or...people, to yourself until the end of the day." The teacher announces.


"You have another from Arashikage?" Storm Shadow asks, him and the G.I. Joe squad in a meeting about Storm Shadow's job in Cobra, a spy.

"Yeah, tortured by Cobra for most of her life." Lady Jaye replies.

"Did she give you a name?" Jinx asks, standing next to Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes.

"Not a real name, and she refuses to give us it. Night Stalk." Flint answers, arms crossed.

"Tortured. Why?" Storm Shadow asks.

"She said Cobra Commander wanted her to join them, spitting lies about them being the good guys. She refused." Roadblock explains. They all look to the ground in thought, wondering more about the secretive girl they had saved several months ago.


As soon as the last math problem was finished, the class quickly slams their books and curves around the colorful mat to one side of the room. Night Stalk is roughly pulled down by two excited girls, and they get to go first.

"Hello class. Today for show-and-tell we decided to take something from daddy's work." The first one announces.

"She is a special ninja, used to infiltrate enemy bases." The other says, nodding her head.

"Good, good. Um, Night Stalk, tell us a little about yourself." The teacher pipes in.

"Truely, I am a real ninja. I was trained in a classified clan up in the mountains of Japan. I was admitted because of special abilities, and came to the U.S.A after being held captive and tortured." She explains, most of the children's faces blank, except one who looks at her in amazement.

"Oh...well. Give Night Stalk a round of applause for coming here today." The teacher says, voice higher than normal. The students clap excitedly and Night Stalk nods to them, waiting for the next person to go.

"Hello! Today for class I have brought my mommy's favorite hairclip! She likes it because daddy gave it to her, but I like it because it is sparkly in the sun!" An excited boy yells out, holding up a diamond clip with a rose shaped on top. The class claps and the next person stands up, and Night Stalk's phone vibrates in her pocket, continuous meaning a call. She squrims out of the bodies and walks to the far side of the room, the door, and takes it out.

"Hello?" She asks.

"How is show-and-tell going?" Roadblock asks.

"Just like you said, not too much revealed, the class wasn't too upset but the teacher seems to think it was strange." She replies, keeping her voice low.

"Good. Get them home. It's time for you to get back into some action." He states. Night Stalk glances at some guy walking in the hallway, but does a double take. With a cobra mark on his shirt, he was peeking into the classrooms one at a time, looking for something.

Looking for them.

"I may already be." She replies and hangsup, taking a picture of the man withthe camera and turning back to the students clapping over a postcard. She leans into the teacher with a hushed voice.

"Get these kids to safety. A hostile force is outside, intentions unknown." She whispers. The teacher gets a plale look, wiping it away with a smile and standing up.

"Okay, class. Time for a practice lock down drill! Now everybody-"

"But it wasn't announced." A kid interrupts.

"Just get in the corner." The teacher snaps. Kids groan and shuffle to the corner unseen by the door windows, lights flickering out as they grow hushed, Night Stalk peeping out the door window carefully. The man steps away from one classroom and starts to walk closer to theirs, Night Stalks hand going up to signal alert. His face appears in the window and she turns away, going completely silent as he looks around in the dim room, no body to be found.

A boy sneezes and they class giggles, Night Stalk freezing when the door handle turns and starts to open, she pushes her body against it and he pushes back. . She suddenly lurches from the door and it flies open, the intruder pulling out his gun at her sight and the class screams when Night Stalk kicks it from him, spinning in the air to capture his neck in her legs and to push him from the doorway. The class gets to their feet and rushes to the doorway depite the teacher's efforts to hold them back. Night Stalk quickly twists her body and presses the attacker's face into the carpeted hallway, legs still around his neck and hands pressing the back of his head. His hands were stuck in her leg hold, and the class cheers from the doorway, one of Roadblock's children crossing her arms and looking at the disbeliever.

"Why have you come?" Night Stalk asks. The man stays quiet.

"Fine, looks like we'll have to torture you, like you tortured me." She snaps, grabbing his arm and heaving him to his feet. She motions to the teacher, who freezes on the spotlight.

"Pen, paper." Night Stalk orders. The teacher rushes inside and hands it to her, quickly backing away in fright.

"Send to G.I. Joe. Needed for special consultation." Night Stalk writes, sliding it in the attackers pocket. He fights under her, but her regained muscles hold him down, along with her Master namesake.

"Time to find your dad." Night Stalk announces to the girls, who cheer and jump up and down. A policeman finally makes his way over to the ninja, taking out handcuffs and restraining him.
















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