Chapter twelve

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Roadblock was harshly ordering his men around. It wasn't long ago that Night Stalk was taken by Storm Shadow to Cobra Commander. The plan was to have her pretend that she was pretending to join and actually want to, but in fake reality she didn't and was playing him. She didn't know this yet, but Roadblock trusted Storm Shadow to secretly fill her in on that.

He just hoped she would be able to stand a little more torturing. She was, after all, a master at the Arashikage clan. She should be able to survive a little longer, right?

That's what the whole team told themselves, ignorant of the horrors being placed upon her body at the Cobra base.

The plan was to infiltrate with the help of Storm Shadow, but instead of taking Cobra Commander as a captive, he was to die and be sure he was dead.

Whoever got to him first had the honor of doing so.


It was still happening.

Cobra Commander must have misjudged his torturer's stamina, and decided he had enough. Without a word he stand up to look over his new plan taking shape, the construction of yet another world dominating weapon created from his malicious mind. Storm Shadow still sat, seething as Night Stalk goes completely limp, the man viciously abusing her body for pleasure. He flinches and looks away, spotting a small figure in the back fleeing from sight, weapon in hand and American uniform.

Lady Jaye.

She speaks into her radio, about to walk forward to Cobra Commander or Storm Shadow, but her eyes hit the screen and she falls silent, eyes wide in horror. Storm Shadow ignores her and silently pulls out his katana, ready to end this all. He walks up behind Cobra Commander, about to speak by slightly turning his head, but the blade passes through his abdomen before a word is spoken.

" for my life." Storm Shadow whispers, taking one last glance at the screen before sliding his katana back out, the Commander falling to the ground. Workers shout and scramble to their attention, G.I. Joes running in and starting a battle.

Storm Shadow would stay, but he had a man to kill.

And a woman to claim.

With silent feet and the recognition from other Cobras, Storm Shadow runs easily through the hallways until he reaches Night Stalk's holding cell, breaking the door down with an angry kick. The man inside, unaware of all that was happening, shouts at him and starts to pull up his pants. Storm Shadow sinks a katana in him before he can do anything else. Night Stalk was lying on the ground, vulnerable and broken. She didn't even try to stir when Storm Shadow demolished her chains, taking her in his arms gently and pulling her mask off. Her eyes were blank, her stare far off. She wasn't here, whether it be a mind-set, or despair.

"He's dead. I killed him. I'm here." Storm Shadow whispers, lifting her up and carrying her away from the base. A helicopter outside was waiting for them, the lessening noise coming from inside informing them all that they won this round, and all to come. Cobra Commander was dead, Storm Shadow heard it spoken over their radios as members jumped onto the helicopter, slowly at first. Night Shadow still hadn't moved, her eyes closing and deep breathes her only signs of life. A team medic crouches next to her and checks her heart rate, about to check out the growing red stain in the bottom of her pants, but Storm Shadow catches his hand and he moves on to an injured member instead.

He would never let this happen again.


















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