Chapter fourteen

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The girls were barely awake, but still requested a story before bed. Night Stalk ushers them upstairs and tucks them in after they get their pajamas on, both fighting to keep their eyes open.

"A story." One asks, sleep lacing her voice.

"Just one. Once upon a time..."

"No, we want a real story!" The second girl protests.

"Yeah!" The first one agrees.

"Okay, okay. A long time ago there lived a special clan of trained ninjas called Arashikage. A girl names Naomi went there because she was special, different than other people. She could do things others couldn't." Night Stalk begins.

She didn't know that the security canera in the room could also capture sound.

"What kinds of thing?" A girl asks.

"Things with her mind. The masters trained her until she became Mental Master. Naomi and a few other boys she knew became master, and they were her friends. But, her very special friend was named Thomas. They were best friends and did many things with each other, like training. One day there was an accident, and the hard master no longer was with the Arashikage. They blamed Thomas because his sword was used, and he ran away to another person. That man was very evil and worked with very bad men. Now, Naomi didn't know that Thomas really didn't do anything, and became a master anyways. But right after she became Mental Master, the same bad people who took Thomas took her also. Ten years later an elite fighting team called the G.I. Joes came and saved Naomi from the bad people, and brought Thomas and Naomi back together. The end." Night Stalk says. The girls sleepily cheer and one snuggles into her covers.

"Are you two dating?" The awake one asks.

"Who?" Night Stalk asks, standing up.

"You and the man. Are you boyfriend-girlfriend?" She asks again.

"Um, sort of. In a way." Night Stalk replies, saying goodnight and closing the door.

"They seem smart." Storm Shadow comments, in the darkness of the hallway. Night Stalk can see him and crosses her arms.

"They are very smart, and observant." She replies, walking past him and into the living room. Storm Shadow follows her as they enter the kitchen, the one with less cameras since Night Stalk destroyed it. She smiles at the memory and Storm Shadow walks right up to her, taking her mouth in his before she can react. They kiss heatedly for a few moments, Storm Shadow pressing her against the counter before she parts.

"Wait, what about the girls? They could wake up." Night Stalk whispers.

"Did you see how tired they were?" He asks. Night Stalk glances back up at the living room, then shrugs and kisses Storm Shadow again. After a few more seconds, he parts.

"I need to know." He whispers.

"Need to know what?" Night Stalk asks.

"I need to know if you are really willing. I don't want to be as sick as the other man." He replies. Night Stalk gently caresses his face, looking over it in the dark.

"I am willing, Thomas. I love you."












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