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This is my first HP fanfic, I hope you like it. I got the idea while I was painting and it wouldn't leave my head. If you listen to the song while reading it makes the fanfic so much better. 

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns the Harry Potter world and Characters; Emily Browning and Sucker Punch (a movie) own the song.                                                                                                               


I'm so tired. Of my horrible reputation, my horrible father, my not-caring mother, my non-existent friends, and I didn't want to be alive any more than Harry Potter would go on a date with me, which was absolutely 100% not possible.  

I stared out at the rain, seemingly falling forever. I tried to make out the tree line at the edge of the Manor's property, unsuccessfully. Now would be a good time...Father was out, Mother was in the parlour. 

'What would be the least painful way to die?' 

'Probably muggle pills.'

'You don't have any.'

'Then I'll jump out of the window.'

I packed my school trunk as quietly as I could, opened the window, and shoved it out with some difficulty. 

I grabbed my Nimbus 2001 and dropped that out of the window too, along with my Quidditch robes. Finally, I grabbed the covered canvas. I pulled the cloth off, then dropped the painting of Harry Potter out of the window. I watched it fall three stories to the rain-drenched grass and sighed when it snapped on my trunk. 

I turned away from the window and walked to my desk. I picked up the one remaining quill and inkwell, unfurled a piece of parchment, and began writing.

Don't try to wake me in the morning
'Cause I will be gone
Don't feel bad for me
I want you to know
Deep in the cell of my heart
I will feel so glad to go

There is another world
There is a better world
Well, there must be.

I stuck the parchment to the wall right next to the window, where I knew they would see it. I climbed to the edge of the window, dangling my legs over the edge, revelling in the cool night air. I took a deep breath and glanced down.

'Geez Draco, if you look down you'll lose your nerve.'

'I have to suck it up. Like Wade did in Ready Player One.'

'Shut up and jump.'

So I did.

Falling was quite the peculiar sensation, it felt like the world was finally going at a pace that I could follow. The wind flicking my platinum blonde hair back was refreshing, and the biting wind that was making my eyes water was very enjoyable. 

As the ground (and my pile of stuff) got nearer and nearer, I had one last thought.

'I started by just wanting to be his friend, now I love him, that fucking Harry Potter.'


It was the beginning of the year feast when we got the news. We had been waiting to return to our common rooms, every single student full of delicious food and joy.

"We have very sad news to end our feast tonight. About a month ago, on July 31st, we lost a student to suicide. I hope you all know you are in part to blame, as in his final letter he stated, "I just wanted friends, I've never had any. Sue me, I don't know how to make any. All of you were too afraid, or just didn't care enough to try to break down my walls, which would have been AS EASY AS HELL! Yes, every single student in Hogwarts is to blame for a part of ending my life. I hope you're happy with me gone. I know you all hated me." I hope everyone remembers the short, depressing life of Draco Malfoy." Professor McGonagall sat down. "You are all dismissed."

As we were leaving, it was the loudest I had ever heard it. 

"I can't believe Malfoy ended his life!" Ron seemed elated, as Hermione huffed.

"We lost the best male student in our year, Ronald. Sure, he was a big prat, but apparently, he just wanted a friend."

"Harry? What's wrong?" Ron turned to me, his eyes full of concern. 

"No-nothing. I'll meet you upstairs." I turned swiftly to the boy's dormitory, stalking up the stairs. I flopped down on my familiar bed, trying to figure out what this strange feeling was. 

***********Time skip because I'm immensely rude********************

At around midnight I figured out what I was feeling. I bolted upright in bed and whispered to myself, "I'm in love with Draco Malfoy."                                                                                                             

So, what did you think? I'm thinking of turning this into a multi-chapter fic based off of songs. Would that be a good idea? Also, I kinda need a beta...*Wink, wink*

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