I Can't Breathe

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This chapter is based on Stitched up Heart's song I Can't Breathe. This is set in Sixth Year, but with a TWIST.  Underlined is said in French. Thanks to greywolfanimagus for your amazing comment. As always, I don't own anything, J.K. Rowling does. Enjoy!


I stared into the cracked mirror of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. I couldn't breathe, my heart was beating out of my chest, there was sweat dripping down my neck, I was clammy and pale-er than ever.

Where are the ones who didn't fall
Didn't fall, bet it all, who didn't fall
Where are the ones who didn't fall

I can't breathe
With no air
'Cause I'm still searching for something
To take me away from here

The Quidditch match today against Gryffindor was today, and I was going to die. Nath, my best{and only} friend was the new Gryffindor chaser after she-weasel broke her arm in the match against Ravenclaw and he was-dare I say it-amazing. He was to chasing like HE was to seeking. Not fair. 

Footsteps creaked against the floor. 

"Dray? What's wrong?" Nath's voice came through the door. 

"I'm seeking against Potter today and you're chasing and our seekers are terrible this season and I'm going to die and Father and Mother are getting divorced and I have to stay with Father and Oh MY MERLIN I'M FREAKING OUT."

"Hey, It'll be fine." By this time Nath had his arms wrapped around my shoulders and was leading me to the locker rooms. "Come on, let's get ready for the match." 

**************10 Minutes later****************

The whistle blew, and we were off. I flew above everyone else, searching for the ever elusive snitch. After searching for a few minutes, I found it. I dove, Potter hot on my heels. We wove in and out of players, flew a foot away from Nath, sending his tomato red hair flying, flew right beneath the Slythering bleachers, and almost squashed Weasel. 

My fingers were just curling around the snitch when something hard slammed into my head, and my vision went black. 


Draco and I were both about to grab the snitch when a bludger came out of nowhere and cracked Draco in the head, sending him tumbling off of his broom. His best friend-and my dorm mate-grabbed an arm, I grabbed another. We flew Draco down to the field where Madame Pomfrey was waiting. 

She examined him, then solemnly looked up. 

"It is uncertain at this point, but he might never wake up.

****************Later, In the dormitory*************

"Can't say I'm upset the git is knocked out," Ron remarked as we were getting ready for bed. 

"Ron, I like-liked him." I was pissed now, why was Ron so insensitive?! Couldn't he see that Nathanael was almost crying?!

"H-he like-liked y-you too, H-harry." Nathanael stuttered just as the lights went out. 

So, what did you guys think of Chapter Two? I would LOVE some comments and if you want this to be a two-shot, let me know.  Au Revoir!

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