Bts night in the city with you

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You two would be buddled up walking through crowded city streets heading to a restaurant that Jin had found online. He would catch you shivering and immediately put his arm around you, telling you that you were close to your destination and that you would be warm in a couple seconds. He would then realize that he had no clue where you were. The two of you ended up calling a taxi and getting food from a convenience store before heading back to the hotel.

It surprised you when Yoongi asked if you wanted to walk up and down the busy street, your hotel was located on so late at night. You would happily walk around, stoping at random stores here and there. The night would end with you looking up at a brightly lit Ferris wheel and Yoongi kissing you on the side of your head.

You two were walking the lit up pier pretty late at night, you weren't the only couple out there though. He was holding your hand tightly as you two walked quietly. When you got to the end you would turn around and look at the glowing city behind you, he would then whisper "It's almost as pretty as you."
"Jghsjs, Joon I swear to god."

You two were dancing in a nightclub right in the middle of the city when Jhope asked you to go walk the streets with him. He would hold your hand and start skipping, pulling you along. "HOBI! We cant skip in crowded streets!" "SSSSSHHH its fun! And we're getting back to our hotel quicker!"

Actually super happy to be here with you, he keeps stopping to take you picture in random parts of town, then giggling to himself as he sets his new phone lock screen. He pulls you into the Gucci store and will try to buy you a super expensive jacket, saying 'but JAGIYA, you'd look so pretty!!' You would kiss him and gently pull him out of the store and back to the hotel.

Wanted for you to be entertained so he decided to take you to a street carnival late at night. You two would just walk around holding hands, stopping to buy various goodies. A lot of girls stop and whisper to each other talking about how goals you guys looked.

He was 100% down with going to a night concert with you. Even if it involves being in a slightly shady area of the city. When the concert was over, not the best group of people were out, so he held your had so tight that both of your guys hands turned a bright white as you walked back to your hotel room. If anyone looked like they were going to try something, he would yank you closer and shoot a rude glare at the person. Once you got back to the room he would hug you and tell you that he never wanted anything to happen to you... ever.


Oof I may have gotten carried away on Kookie's imagine. Anyway, I didn't expect these stories would even get reads! So thank you to everyone who has been reading! Just a reminder that I have another fanfic on my page that I would love if you showed some love to also... it's called "don't catch a cold" and it's a Yoongi x Jimin story.

Thank you guys! I love you!!!

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