Chapter 2

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When we reached the Richard Rodgers some security guard stopped us "uh Lin, who is that?" The security guard said, Lin looked behind him and smiled at me then looked back at the guard "Oh! Gabe this is Abby, she's with me" Gabe looked at me for a few moments then let us go in.

Once we were inside Lin took me to his dressing room, we were thankfully not noticed by any of the cast. When we got to his dressing room he shut the door and sat down, I stood there awkwardly, Lin noticed and said that I could sit down. I walked over to a chair that was by Lin and sat down. After a few moments Lin spoke up "so...How did you really get those bruises" my eyes went wide "I told you, I'm
Just very clumsy!" He was about to say something but got interrupted my phone going off, I took it out and read the message "You better be home by 3." It was from my foster dad. I quickly typed "Yes, Sir" and pressed send, I looked at the time on my phone and realized it was already 2:50 "Oh shit!" I thought to myself "Lin where's the bathroom?" I asked he looked at me and said "it's just down the hall, you should be able to find it" I was about to leave but he stopped me "wait come here with your phone" I obeyed and handed him my phone, a few seconds later he handed me back my phone "I put my number in there" Lin said "Oh, okay" I put my phone in my pocket and made my way to the bathroom. Once I was in the bathroom I walked to the window and opened it, I jumped out when I hit the ground I took my phone out and checked the time "Shit!! It's 2:56" I thought and started running towards "home"
When I got home I hurried inside, "You're late! Again! It's 3:12! You're 12 minutes late!" Said Mr. Holland while he kicked me "I-I'm sorry I-It won't happen again!" I said, trying to hold back tears. About 10 minutes later he stopped kicking and punching me, I limped upstairs to my room. I shut and locked my door and then made my way to the mirror, I looked over all the cuts and bruises I had, I went to touch my arm but winced "I need to get out of here! Living on the streets wouldn't be too bad, right?" I thought while grabbing my backpack, I packed my phone charger, some of my girl stuff, and the little bit of clothes I had, I zipped up the bag and put it aside until later.
Around 11 PM everyone went to bed, or so I thought, I was opening my window but nick came in "What the hell are you doing?!" He said while grabbing me and throwing me on my bed "Were you trying to run away?!" He said while he was trying to take my shirt off, I don't know how but I kicked him in his area that made him get off of me, he fell onto the other side of my bed. I got up as fast as I could, grabbed my bag and phone and jumped out my window, I was running down the street now, I made it to the bench I was at earlier, I sat there for a few minutes "Wow, I'm actually out of that house!" I laid down and fell asleep, for the first time in awhile I fell asleep happy.


Hi guys! I hope you are enjoying the story so far! If you ever have questions or a request for a chapter you can ask me on Instagram!

My Instagram username ellieisntnormal

Don't be afraid to DM me!

Adopted by Lin Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now