Chapter 11

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Not all people can understand the way I am. some people hate me while others love me. But I love the way I don't pretend to be someone else I'm not, just to impress others. I'm me and that's not going to change.

I hate it when people tell me to just 'be happy'. Do you think I chose to be depressed? No, I didn't, so shut up about it and keep your nose outta my business. To all the people out there who have told me to just be happy, you don't know what it's like so stay out of it.

Ok, rant over with now for something that means a lot to me.

Someone sent me this awhile ago when I was going through a very rough patch in my life and I wanted to share it with you guys, my readers. It has honestly made a big difference in my life and I hope it does in yours.

Here it is:

Right now, at this very minute, someone is very proud of you. Someone cares about you. Someone misses you. Someone wants to talk to you. Someone wants to be with you. Someone hopes you aren't in trouble. Someone wants to hold your hand. Someone wants you to be happy just for you. Someone thinks you are amazing. Someone wants to hug you. Someone loves you. Someone admires your strength. Someone is smiling, just thinking about you. Someone wants to be your shoulder to cry on. Someone thinks the world of you. Someone wants to protect you. Someone would do anything for you. Someone wants to be forgiven. Someone is grateful for your forgiveness. Someone wants to laugh with you about old times. Someone remembers you and wishes you were there with them. Someone needs to know that your love is unconditional. Someone wants to tell you how much they care. Someone wants to share their dreams with you. Someone wants to hold you in their arms. Someone wants YOU to hold them in your arms. Someone treasures your spirit. Someone wishes they could stop time because of you. Someone loves you for who you are. Someone hears a song that reminds them of you. Someone is glad you're their only true love. Someone wants to be your friend. Someone stayed up all night thinking about you. Someone is alive because of you. Someone believes that you are their soulmate. Someone wants to be near you. Someone misses your guidance and advice. Someone needs you guidance and advice. Someone has faith in you. Someone trusts you. Someone needs you to send them this note. Someone needs your support. Someone needs you to have faith in them. Someone needs you to let them be your friend. Someone will cry when they read this.

This is almost the sweetest thing anyone has sent me and I cried for a very long time after reading this. I hope you all know that if any of you ARE going through hard times, that you can always send me a message. I promise you I will listen, I will help as much as I can and be supportive of you xx

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