Part 10 (Finns Parts of Fiolee

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"Hey Jake, what should we do today?" i asked. I wanted to see Marceline but Princess Bubblegum will be coming over later for lunch but maybe i could go hangout with Marceline for a little bit. "Well...I don't know why don't you go...Ugh! Just go hangout with Marceline for a bit." He said. I wonder why he was acting like that. But I'll find out later i guess. I would have asked Jake to take me to Marce's but i guess he was mad I don't know but whatever. "Next time you can call Finn." Said a voice I have never forgotten about. I look up and there hanging upside down a black ugly tree was Marcline. Wow! she has gotten not only long hair but a lot prettier than I remember...NOT THAT SHE ISN'T PRETTY!
"Well, your hair has gotten longer...and you've gotten a lot...prettier." I said nervously. When I said the word prettier Marcline hopped off the tree and she got near me and...Kissed me.
"You know Finn I have been waiting to do that for a long time now...I wanted to ask if you would like to...get together sometime?" she asked. I was so shocked that all I did was get bright red nod. And then out of nowhere I just leaned in and kissed her for the longest time I can remember. When I released Marcline just smiled at me and said, "Well then...i guess thats a yes about getting together." I smiled at her and we went into her house to watch some movies.

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