Stars and Shots

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|| A/N: Hey, Aidyn here. Decided to drop you a fluffy Pastel!Dan x Punk!Phil. If you have the homophobic disease, then you can just fuck yourself right off my profile. Other than that enjoy this cute fluffy Phanfic.


Warning: underaged drinking! BoyxBoy fluffyness! Don't like, don't read! ||

       Dan paced around his room nervously, his pastel pink sweater oversized and slightly hanging off his shoulder, exposing his white tee-shirt, while his white skinny jeans hugging his legs nicely. His tan boots sat under his window along with an overnight bag. He was supposed to sneak out with his best friend tonight and Phil had said that he would text Dan when he got close. Dan ran painted nails through his curly hair. Of course he had spent alone time with Phil but it was usually during the day and  within hearing distance of other people. It wasn't that he didn't trust Phil, he did. It was just nerve wracking to spend alone time with the one you're madly in love with, when they don't know.

        Dan jumped at the familiar 'PING' noise his phone made as he received a text message. Not even bothering to pull his phone out he turned to his vanity and looked at himself. "Okay Dan! You can do this!" He confirmed to himself before walking to the window and opening it. Dan slipped on his boots and grabbed his bag, tossing it out the window and onto the ground. He took one more deep breath before climbing out the window and onto a tree branch to make his decent to the ground.

        Dan's cheeks are a nice rosy color as he climbs down the tree. The crisp fall air nipped at his nose and he was thankful to have picked a thick sweater. Phil smiled as Dan's well worn boots crunched the fallen leaves as they hit the ground, his snakebites jutting out slightly as his teeth pressed against them. Dan let out an almost silent gasp as he looked at Phil's face. He absolutely adored Phil's smile and he wished the punkish boy would smile more often.

          "Hey Danny Boy!" Phil proclaimed a bit loudly causing a dog to bark a few doors down. Dan jumped and clasped his hand over the Raven haired boy's mouth, the spiked piercings stabbing into his soft hands, "Shush Philip! Do you want to fucking wake my parents?" The pastel teen spoke with a hiss. "Come on! Let's just get away from here!" Dan grabbed Phil's leather jacket by the sleeve and pulled him towards the pavement and out of the yard. The chilly Autumn air helped clear Dan's mind as they walked silently toward their destination, their shoes shuffling loudly into the quiet and peaceful night.

          Dan watched the air swirl with every breath he too. Why was he so nervous about tonight? The silence between the two wasn't easing Dan's nerves at all. His heart was pounding so viciously in his chest that he was almost positive that his punk friend could hear it. Dan wanted to tell Phil how he feels and tonight would be the night, hopefully. He had practiced in the mirror all day just so he wouldn't stumble over his words.

            As they reached the park Dan smiled; this park was their memories. It was the pair's favorite place to hang out, but that was usually in the afternoon when children and their parents were here. They walked over to the wooden castle structure and began to climb. Dan went first; he could feel his hands sweating as he climbed all the way to the top platform. When he reached the top he spread out a comfy pastel pink blanket that he had brought down. The two laid down next to each other, their shoulders pressed together.

           Dan let out a breath and watched it swirl up towards the stars. This moment just felt so intimate, and also the perfect time to talk to Phil about his feelings. "Philip?" Dan spoke quietly into the night, his his breath disappearing into the sky, "I want to talk about us. L-like me a-and you., relationship wise." Phil turns his eyes away from the stars and towards Dan, "we aren't nearly drunk enough for this conversation." The tattooed teen exclaimed as he pulled as he pulled a bottle of whiskey from his backpack.

          Dan bit down on his bottom lip as he sat up. Was it a good idea to drink at the moment? Dan didn't exactly have the highest tolerance to alcohol a d Phil knew that. Dan didn't realize that he was chewing nervously on his bottom lip until a shot glass was being pressed against the worried skin. "Philip." Dan spoke softly. Phil smiled, taking the brunette's breath away for the second time that night, "just drink Danny Boy. Calm your nerves." At that the soft male took the glass and tipped it back quickly;the liquor burning as it went down, and causing the younger male face to scrunch up reflexively at the taste. Dan felt his insides warming up despite how cold it was out.

            He looked at Phil, the bad boy drinking straight from the bottle. He held out the glass, requesting another shot of liquid courage without saying a word. Phil gladly poured the caramel eyed teen a shot, his bright blue eyes watching as the shot disappeared as quickly as it had been given. Dan felt his face warming up and he giggled, his nervousness melting away like snow in the spring. A smile shone brightly on his face as Phil spoke, "alright Danny Boy. What were you saying about me and you?" The curly haired brunette giggled at the nickname.

           "Well Philip. I think you should ask me to be your boyfriend." Phil smiled and raised a pierced eyebrow, "is that so?" Dan nodded quickly as he held out his glass and Phil gave him another shot. Dan downed it, "yes it is so Philip Michael Lester. Cause whenever I see you, damn, my heart speeds up and when you smiled!" Dan flopped back onto the fluffy blanket, "my gods! It takes my fucking breath away! I just want to know how it's feel to kiss your lips that are always chapped or bloody and split open from a fight."  Phil smiled as he watched Dan stare at the stars as he went off on his tangent.

             "And your eyes! Don't get me fucking started! They are so beautiful that I could just stare into them for hours and drown! Mine are just a boring brown but yours! They're so blue, but they have a slight bit of green in them and these yellow flakes that are almost golden in the right light. They take the air from my lu..." Dan widened his eyes as his speech was cut off by the chapped lips being pressed to his own soft ones. The kiss was gentle and chaste. Dan lifted his head to press into the kiss, his upper body weight resting on his elbows. Phil pulled away and looked Dan in his eyes.

           Dan just stared at Phil his brown eyes staring back with shock. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "U-uhh." Phil laughed and leaned in, pressing another kiss to the younger's lips. This time the pastel teen wrapped his arms around Phil's neck, his eyes closing as he melted into the kiss. Dan let out a small, quiet moan as the kiss deepened;Phil's spiked peircings pressing into the soft lips they claimed. Phil's hands found their way to Dan's smooth and frigid face.

            Phil pulled away for a second time but this time so they both could breathe; a almost silent whimper left Dan's kiss bruised lips. His caramel eyes opened and he was staring into his best friend's bright blue eyes that always took his breath away once more. "Are we...well, uhm. Ph-Philip?" Dan stumbled over his words as his mind became a bit less blurred from the alcohol. Phil smiled at his best friend.

          "Daniel James Howell. Will you be my boyfriend?" Dan squeaked happily as a smile lit up the younger's face, "yes of course I will Philip!" Dan sat up and threw his arms around his now boyfriend and hugged him tightly. This was the happiest night of the pastel boy's life. Phil let out a laugh as he wrapped his arms around Dan's waist and squeezed. After a quite log hug Phil managed to get Dan to lay down so they could cuddle. Dan just couldn't stop smiling as he cuddle closer to Phil, looking up at the stars.

            As they continued to stargaze, Dan saw a shooting star streak across the dark night sky. He smiled bright to himself as he cuddle closer to Phil. The pastel teen didn't need a shooting star because he had already gotten everything he had ever wanted. Who knew all it would take was sneaking out to the park with his best friend at night. Who knew that all it took to make Phil his was stars and a few shots.

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