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"W-what are you doing!" I tried to resist these guys that tried to abduct me with all my might, while i know the strength of girl like me won't be enough to stop two muscular man, they put me down in no time and throw me into a black van.

"Let me go! Let me go! There's a case that need my-" i tried to reach the door of the van, but they covering my mouth with cloth, and somehow my body become weak, i suspect that they used chloroform, no... I can't lose my consciousness... this case... grandfather...

And the reality faded, i can't resist anymore, the last thing that i see is that they tied my hand with rope and covering my eyes with dark cloth, i guess it's to prevent me to figuring out the location, before i losing my consciousness.

Nothing... Since that abduction...

No light, no sound... Where am i?

No voice, Can't really move, no idea about where i am...

I extend my hand, to grasping the darkness... And then...

I fell to the floor from the locker since i lost my balance, it took a while before i regaining my focus, as i wake up, i find myself in one of fancy room... Where's this place? It seems they abduct me to some kind of luxurious place? What they're up to? Ah... By the way, i should introduce myself, my name is Atsui Yuuko. I'm just some ordinary high-school student that you can find anywhere, i guess? Well, at least that what i thought about myself... While the people around me is kinda annoy me a bit. Especially my fellow high-school student, they treat me differently just because of some unimportant things that i could do and i hate for being treated differently, so sometimes i avoids them.

It's not like i'm avoiding everyone around me, i usually spend my time with the law enforcement, just because i had some skill in forensic field... That's not because i want to had this skill, but i have to... I lived in the family of law enforcement, my grandfather is a retired forensic scientist, and my parent both are a cop. Because of that, i've been trained with my family to become a law enforcer as well. Since my parent died in their duty as cop, now i lived with my grandfather trained to become a forensic scientist, just like him, the fate that i never had a choice to chose, deep down in my heart i want a normal high-school life like everyone else.

I usually involved with crime scene and help the law enforcement, that's not like i want to, but they forced me into it with their sweet demand. It's all started when i accidentally help the police on the crime scene near my school, my grandfather is so proud of me, but this is just the beginning of my predetermined future, as law enforcer, risking their life for the sake of others, while they never really aware about the sacrifice that law enforcement, and i hate it. They may give me some badge, praise and fame for what i'm doing but they won't change my hatred for this fate that i forced to bear. 

Why i had to do this? Why they forced me into it? I don't want to do this, why i should be forced to do this all kind of things? I want my normal high-school life, and before i know it, everyone around me give me a title, the Super High-school Level Forensic Scientist, the title that robe me from my freedom and i hate it. People are admiring me, i even already given a permission by the school to not attend if i had to help the cops, those people who admiring me, i hate them, it's as if they are agree toward the forced life that i had now, they don't know how it feels when your freedom is taken from you... It just like you're not living your own life...  I hate it, i hate it, i hate it!

Kinda ironic, huh? since my name "Atsui" means "passionate" but in reality i'm not as half as passionate like some high-school girl, well, since i don't had so much passion on my predetermined fated life, i guess that the reason why. Because of that i think i'm not befitting my name at all, well i guess that's for my introduction? I checking my body for a minute, and find out that all of my belonging are lost, well at least i'm not get raped by those two muscular guy... That's what i got after checking my body.

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