The great feast

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Ron sat at the gryffindor table malfoy sat next to hermione and Ron the other side Ron was staring at malfoy and then he forced another snog on hermione she pulled away blushing furiously. She looked down at her food and ate. Malfoy looked confused but just carried on eating he tried to speak to Harry who just said "look I don't think we can be friends but I will be civil and try to be nice" malfoy said "thank you" and then said to asked hermione when she wanted them to work together on the schedule for rounds as they need to let the prefects(Harry Ginny blaze pansy Luna and a cho) know when to go on patrol. Hermione said "after the speech will be fine" with a smile. Mcgonagal stood up and gave the usual speech and said that the rules are a lot stricter and if found out of bed out of hours more than three times she will think about exclusion. She then said we are dismissed and carried on talking to the other teachers! Hermione then said goodbye to Harry and Ginny before going to give Ron a peck on the cheek but before she could he stood up and snogged Hermione pushing her against the table and giving her a full out make out session infront of the whole school. She blushed furiously and walked away chatting to Draco. She entered the heads dorm and sighed. Draco opened his mouth "did you want Ron to kiss you like that" with a puzzled look o his face. "No he ha a been doing it a lot lately and he has been pushing me to give up my virginity but I am not ready it is getting really bad now but I don't know what to do" she said getting tears eyed Draco hugged her which made her feel warm inside and he smiled down on her making her heart flutter. Maybe he really had changed she thought before pulling away saying we should really get started they spent an hour just making the timetable.

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