What happens in the dorm stays in the dorm!!!

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Hermione checked her watch and said to Ron "we should get back I'll see you at breakfast!" Hermione walked to the heads dorm with a frown on her face when she got there Draco was sitting on the sofa he beckoned her to sit and she did they sat there talking away for hours laughing and smiling until the mood got flirtatious. He was flirting with her and he wasn't being sly about it either. He leant in and Hermione thought about it would she really cheat on Ron and then she did and she liked it. It wasn't like with Ron it wasn't forced. It was gentle and nice. She blushed and pulled away "I better get some reading done" she said. He let her go and she went into her room and touched her lips. She liked the kiss. She liked Draco.

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