The sorting

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The sorting started with the 8th years and was taking a while "Harry Potter" the hat said Harry sat on the seat it brought back memories the hat said "I used to debate between slytherin and gryffindor but after the past few years you have shown great courage and bravery so GRYFFINDOR" the was Ronald "I put you in gryffindor last time but I regret it" everyone gasped and the sorting hat continued "you have let the fame go to your head you are rude and arrogant SLYTHERIN" everyone whispered and the it was draco malfoy a turn "you have shown a great deal of heart and you have changed your ways GRYFFINDOR" draco was just as surprised as everyone pansy came round and snogged draco telling him it was okay and that they could still be together. Draco sighed and pulled away. He went to the great hall and ignored all the staring hermione was me red "gryffindor" it was obvious most people stayed the same a few slytherins became hufflepuff but that was it. Everyone went into the great hall.

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