Now the truth comes out

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( Again, Ender here the author. If you do not like depressing or sad stories. Then this story might not be for you. Just a warning for those who are sensitive. So warning please! I do not want hate because you said this was so sad. I warned you guys. So thank you. )

* Everyone is one gathered around Shadow. Shadow has her fists clutched together and tears going down. *

Shadow: You happy? 

Dale: Why do you not let people in? 

Shadow: I was hurt, I do not want to be hurt again. 

Delta: What do you mean by that? 

Shadow: How about you come to my house, and I MAYBE, I can explain SOME things. 

* Shadow, Delta, Emerald, Dale, Justin, and Hunter walk with Shadow. Shadow was being silent the whole way. Shadow goes to her apartment, opens the door, lets everyone in, then closes. *

* Everyone sits down in the living room

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* Everyone sits down in the living room. But Dale stands up. *

Dale: Why do you turn people away? 

* Delta stands up. *

Delta: Why do you be so alone all the time? 

* Everyone stands up, for many questions. *

Shadow: Alright, that is enough!

* Everyone looks at Shadow. Shadow has her fists clutched again. Everyone sits down again. *

Shadow: I said I was going to explain, and I will. 

* Everyone nods. But Dale raises his hand. *

Shadow: Yes? 

Dale: You turn people away, yet, you are going to let us know about your past. Why? 

Shadow: I feel like you guys are better than the others, but if do betray me, i'm use to it. So, I don't care what you do next about this information. 

Dale: You can trust me. 

* Delta and Emerald stand up. *

Delta and Emerald: Same here. 

* Hunter stands up. *

Hunter: I'm a trusty person. 

* Justin stands by Hunter and Dale. *

Justin: You got my trust to. 

* Shadow smiles slightly. Dale notices. *

Dale: You are smiling. 

* Everyone looks. Shadow stops. *

Shadow: No, you were seeing things. But anyways, you wanted answers, you will get some. 

* Everyone leans in. *


: When I was born I wanted to smile, laugh, and have friends. I had that for a little while. When I was 2, my mom had cancer. She was in the hospital room, I ran into her room and cried by her bed. But she lifted her head and hand. She told me something I never forgot to this day. :

Shadow's Mom: " Smile everyday, laugh when times are dark, and have some nice friends. "


: Then she passed. It was just me and my dad. But after my mom passed, everyone in my school knew. So everyday I got bullied. Then when I came home, my dad was always drunk, he hurt me, and told me I was why my mom died. When I was in middle school, I had a friend. Her name Sky. Sky was so nice, she made me smile, laugh, and was my only friend. But everyday she asked if I could come to her house. But my dad would be so angry, or she would ask if she could come to my house. But I was worried of how my dad would react back. So I always told her no. But one day she decided to follow me home. My dad hit me, so Sky saw, recorded, and told everyone on the next day of school. When I went to school, everyone made fun of me. Sky betrayed me. Every day I got hurt and bullied. When I was about to start high school, my father hated me so much he kicked me out of my own home. Which is why I live in a apartment. :

* Shadow sighs, tears come up on her last sentence. *


: After all of that, I decided to never smile, laugh, or have friends again. :

* Everyone is silent, staring at the ground. Dale stands up, Dale hugs Shadow. *

Shadow: What are you doing? 

Emerald: You don't know what a hug is? 

Shadow: No, I don't think I had one in a long time. 

Delta: Well, now you will. 

* Everyone stands up to hug Shadow. Dale looks at Shadow. Shadow was smiling, while hugging back slightly. Dale smiled. *

Dale Mind's: " I like it when she smiles... " 

* Everyone was hugging. But they soon stopped once they heard giggling and footsteps running away from Shadow's apartment. Shadow got away from there hug, and walked over to her door. She opened, no one was there. *

* Shadow left the door open, she saw about to set. *

Shadow: You guys can leave now. 

* Everyone gets there stuff and everyone leaves. Dale stands by the door. He gives her a paper. He hugs her again. *

Dale: If you would like someone to comfort you, call me, and I will be there. 

* Shadow hugs back. Dale leaves her home. Shadow sees the number. She sighs. *

Shadow: I wonder if I made the right choice...

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