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* The bell rang for class. Shadow is already there in the back, by the window. Dale goes into class. He sits right in front of Shadow. Farren and Nikki talk to each other, then hug. Farren leaves for another class, while Nikki enters the class that Dale and Shadow are in. She sits right by Shadow. *

Nikki: Hey, I heard about those rumors. I-

Shadow: Why are you talking to me? 

Nikki: Because I feel sorry for you. Not, you deserve it. 

* Before the teacher comes in, Dale stands up and turns to face Nikki. *

Dale: You leave Shadow alone. 

* Nikki stands up and faces Dale. *

Nikki: You stay out of this. 

Dale: No! Shadow does NOT deserve this. If anything, you do. AND Farren!

* The teacher starts to walk in. *

Nikki: She does! 

* Nikki sits down, so does Dale. Dale faces Shadow. But Shadow is just looking out the window. Dale puts a note down on her desk. Then turns around. Shadow sees the note, she looks at Dale, then the note. She picks it up to read. *

: Hey Shadow! It's me Dale. Probably won't read this but whatever. Look, you might think it was me. I promise you it wasn't. I might know who it was, but if I told you. Things might get worse for you, and I don't want that. But, after this class will you at least wait for me outside of class.                    From your friend that will stay as your friends forever, Dale. :

* Shadow sees Dale. She smiles slightly. Nikki sees and grins. The class goes by, and then just as it starts, it ends. The bell rings to go home. But Shadow waits outside. Nikki leaves, then comes Dale. Dale sees Shadow. Shadow is looking down but says quietly. *

Shadow: You wanted to talk? 

Dale: I know you don't trust me, but. The Disco Dance comes up soon. 

Shadow: And? 

Dale: Hunter, Delta, Justin, Emerald, and me are going. 

* Shadow looks up slightly. *

Dale: Would you................................. would you like to go with me? 

* Shadow quickly looks up to Dale's face. He is blushing, Shadow starts blushing to. And slowly, Dale sees a smile on Shadow. For only a sec. *

Dale's Mind: " WILL SHE SAY NO! I WAS NOT THINKING ABOUT THAT! But at least she smiled. "

Shadow: I'm sorry for yelling at you. 

Dale: It's fine. You have a lot of stuff on your plate. 

* Shadow leans on Dale, she is hugging him then she says silently. *

Shadow: I would love to go to the dance with you. 

* Dale's eyes widen. *

Dale's Mind: " YES! OH MY IRENE! HECK YEAH! "

* Dale nods. Shadow and Dale start walking out of the school. They leave the school. Nikki was behind a pillar in the school. She had a grin on her face, she saw Farren walking down to catch up with Nikki. *

Farren: So? 

Nikki: Oh there going, and there friends.

Farren: Good. 

Nikki: Oh and did you hear. 

Farren: About what? 

Nikki: The school was nice enough, that for the next two days. They let everyone go shopping and get ready for the Disco Dance in 2 days.  

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