The rumors

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* The sun comes up by Shadow's apartment. She gets up and gets ready for school. She grabs her backpack, leaves her apartment, locks her apartment. And heads to school. *

Shadow's Mind: " I have been thinking it over, and maybe just maybe, I can have friends again. " 

* Shadow walks up to the school, she walks in. Everyone stares and laughs. They look at there phones and keep laughing. Two people walk up to her. A boy and a girl. *

( Imma show u pictures of what they look like, cause I mean, why not? xD Here the boy. )

( And now the girl

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( And now the girl. Also credit to the people who made these. THERE NOT MINE! xD Enjoy! )

* They walked up to Shadow with grins on there face

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* They walked up to Shadow with grins on there face. *

The girl: Hey Shadow? How is your mom? 

* Shadow eyes widen. *

Shadow: What? 

The boy: Yeah, where is your father? How is he doing? 

The girl: Or hey, what about your friend Sky? 

* Shadow has tears coming up. Her fists closing slowly. She stops and wipes the tears away. She walks away to a bench in the school. Farren and Nikki see Shadow. They look at each other and nod. They walk over by Shadow, just enough for Shadow to hear them talking. *

Farren :Have you heard the rumors around the school? 

Nikki: Yeah! I did not do it, did you? 

Farren: No, but I heard some people went over to her house, got there phone out, and recorded what she was saying. 

Nikki: Whoa! I wonder who it was. 

Farren: Same, it could not be us. We don't even now where she lives. 

* Shadow stares to the ground. Farren looks at Shadow. She nods at Nikki. They both walk off. *

Shadow's Mind: " Well, when Dale was giving me his number, he had his phone out. I think I found the rumor spreader. "

* Shadow gets up and walks around the school to find either, Delta, Emerald, Justin, Hunter, or Dale. She spots Emerald and Delta. She runs to them. *

Emerald: Hey Shadow! How's it going? 

Shadow: Where can I find Dale? 

Delta: Well, I have been talking to Hunter. They said that they are usually together on the basketball field before school starts. 

* Shadow heads to the basketball field with her fists clutched again. Delta and Emerald see, they both know that nothing is good when her fists are clutched. They follow Shadow to the basketball field. There was Hunter playing basketball with Justin, while Dale was on the bleachers watching. The boys notice the girls. *

Justin: Hey girls! 

Hunter: Hey Delta! 

Delta: Hey Hunter! 

* Shadow walks up to Dale. *

Shadow: Heard about the rumors? 

Justin: Yeah, there all around school.

Emerald: What rumors? 

Hunter: About Shadow's past, from yesterday. 

Delta: What? 

Justin: Yeah, and we don't know who did it. 

Shadow: I do. 

Emerald: Who? 

* Shadow points at Dale. *

Delta, Emerald, Justin and Hunter: DALE!?!?

Dale: ME!?!?

Shadow: Yes you. Someone had there phone out and recorded what I was saying yesterday. When you were giving me your phone number, you had your phone out. No one else did, and no one else was in that room. 

Dale: That was not me! 

Shadow: Really? Who else could it be then? You have proof?

* Dale puts his head down. *

Shadow: Thought so. 

* Shadow walks away. She goes to the library. Dale stands there, staring at the ground. Tears going down. *

Delta: Would you do that? 

Justin: Really? 

Delta: Just asking!

Dale: You think I would hurt someone I loved since I saw her. 

* Everyone eyes are widen. *

Dale: Yeah. 

* Farren and Nikki walk by. *

Farren: Such a shame! She has no friends! 

Nikki: Back to square one for her! 

* Dale walks over to them. Face to face. *

Dale: What did you do? 

Farren: Ruined her life. 

Emerald: How? 

Nikki: Psshhh. You people think you would do that to her? 

Farren: Who else would do this? 

Hunter: You! 

Nikki: Bing bing bing! We have a winner! 

Justin: What did you do? 

* Delta looks at them. *

Delta: They were the ones by the door, RECORDING US! 

Farren: We have another winner! 

Justin: Wait till we show Shadow that YOU TWO were behind this. 

Nikki: She already believes it was you guys. You think she is going to believe still? 

* Delta, Emerald, Justin, and Hunter put there heads down. Dale looks straight at Farren and Nikki. Dale walks over to them. *

Dale: I will not stop till everything is right! 

Farren: The Disco Dance is only 2 days away. 

Dale: I don't care. 

* Everyone walks to class, except Farren and Nikki. They stay behind in the basketball field. *

Farren: You have her phone number? 

Nikki: You bet. 

Farren: What about his? 

Nikki: Got it. 

Farren: When Dale asks Shadow to the dance and she says yes-

Nikki: Our plan will be in action. 

Farren: Lets get to class. After, we can plan more...

( Author here! Ender! Sooooooo you guys liking it? I know I am! Again, if you are sensitive, I advise YOU  to not read anymore. Thank you so much! ENJOY THE NEXT CHAPTER OF " The Shadow Curse? Or not? )

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