Not Just A Fan - chapter 1

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I was 16 at the time. The time my parents sat me and my siblings down and said we were moving. Okay, so we weren’t just moving. We were moving 3,000 mlles away from our small town in New Jersey to a large vineyard in California. We moved a lot growing up. I lived in Canada, England, Alabama, South Dakota, Florida, and now New Jersey. My dad was transferred often and I was used to starting at a new school in the middle of the school year. 

Now this isn’t a story of how I moved. This is a story of how I ended up with the boy of my dreams. After this one summer, my life would never be the same again. I just didn’t know it yet.

My family was a bit bigger than most. I had 3 older brothers, an older sister, 2 younger brothers, and 2 younger sisters. Yeah, there were 9 of us. My mom worked two jobs to help support us, but when my dad lost his job a couple months back, we were set to move so we could make money from an old wine recipe that my grandfather came up with.

It was almost the start of the school year when we started packing. Although I still knew we were moving around September-October. So much for moving in the summer. During my last couple of months in New Jersey my whole life changed though. Me and 3 of my friends were going to meet our favorite boy band after we won a radio contest. You’ve probably heard of them before. One Direction? Yeah, I though so. You know the 5 boys from the UK that were on X factor? Yeah we were going to meet them at a meet and greet then see them in concert.

My older sister, Jenna, was the one driving us. SHe had graduated from college and was looking for a job now. ALthough she hasn’t found one yet, she was able to drive us.

I’ll basically skip to the day of the meet and greet and concert because most details between aren’t important. My three friends arrived at my house, Katie, Brenna, and Sabrina. We had recently made cool shirts and shorts in the style of the band so we could wear them when we met them.

On the ride there we blasted there music and came up with wild fantasies on how they would meet us and fall in love with us. Even though we THOUGHT that would never happen. 

Once we arrived at the show there was a line, but since we were VIP meet and greet we got to go straight to the front. We waited about 15 minutes before we got inside the building and waited in another line. There was a lot of screaming and pushing. I’m not one to be a fan of girls, especially fangirls because of these to things. In my opinion they’re a bit crazy. 

We finally saw the boys. They were signing autographs, taking pictures, and hugging fans. We were handed a poster for them to sign and one at a time they signed them and smiled for a picture. We were actually the last people in line so we did wait a while for this. By this point, my heart was racing. I was talking to Harry for a bit and put my Camera down on the table.

“So we’re you from?” He asked me. His smile so perfect. His voice so pure.

“New Jersey.” I said very shy. He could tell

“Don’t be shy. I’m not gonna bite.” He laughed. “How old are you?” He asked me with a huge smile. But before I could answer security was there telling me and my friends we had to go. The concert was magnificent. Although, on the ride home I realized I left my camera. So I called the place where the concert was held when I got home and they said no one had turned it in. Seemed a bit odd if you think about it. I logged on twitter and wrote a new tweet. “Had a fun time meeting @OneDirection lost my camera though. :(“ My friends were freaking out about the band on the floor in my room. 

“Guys stop fangirling or I’m kicking you out of my room.” I joked then looked back at my computer now opening a facebook tab. 

“Uhm Julia....Harry Styles just tweeted about you.” Said Sabrina completely stunned and barely able to get the words out. She was looking at her iPhone wide eyed and mouth agape.

“Shut up. No he didn’t.” I laughed. They had to be kidding me. I didn’t even tell him my name It could be any girl, right?

“N-no h-he d-d-did.” Stuttered katie, who was shaking in shock.

“Guys this isn’t funny stop it.” I said now a bit more serious. My heart was pounding what did they know that I didn’t that they couldn’t find the words to say.

“I think he found your camera.” Brenna said stunned but being the only one who could even get those words out.

I pulled up his twitter on my laptop.

“Guys stop, he didn’t find my.....” I stopped mid sentence. “Oh. My. God.” My eyes were big when I read his tweet posted 2 minutes ago.

“Met an amazing girl at the meet and greet tonight. She left her camera. I need to find her. Help!” I clicked the attached picture and sure enough it was me and him. I couldn’t breathe. What do I do now?

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