Not Just A Fan - Chapter 18

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I stepped out of the cab and looked at the house. It was huge and the first time I’d ever seen it. My parents came a couple months back to look at it, but I’d never seen it before. You could tell just by looking at the front of the house there were 3 floors. Who has 3 floors in their house? Oh my gosh. This is insane. The front was like a cream color with red bricks by the front door that was a dark auburn color. There were tall pillars in front of the front door. I couldn’t believe I was living here. This place is insanely big.

“This place is epic.” Mia said walking up next to me.

“I know.” I was at a loss for words. 

“Go choose a bedroom.” My mom said walking up to us and we ran in the house. I went all the way up to the top floor and walked into a big vacant room. Most of my siblings resided on the second floor but that was too mainstream for me. I looked out my bedroom and not only could I see the whole vineyard from my bedroom window, but I could also see the shore line of the beach, which may I say was very close to our property, and in walking distance from the house. Wow, I couldn’t believe I live here. My phone started ringing about a second after I looked out my window. It was Harry. I answered it.

“Hullo” I said answering the phone. Man my Jersey accent is insane.

“”Hey babe.” He said. I felt a smile grow on my face. I missed his voice.

“What’s up?” I asked. I mean I always asked that when people called. People barely just call anymore.

“Nothing I missed your voice.” He said. I heard him laugh a bit on the other end of the phone call. I died.

“Awe I miss you so much.” Damn I’m acting like such a girl.

“I’ll be in California tomorrow night.” He declared even though I already knew that. You see, he told me about 8000 times since I’ve seen him last.

“I know.” I smiled. He was just too adorable.

“I’m sneaking out and coming over your house when I get there.” Ok, well that was new news to me.

“No you’re not.” I laughed. He wouldn’t make it two steps out of his apartment.

“Yes I am. I will be there.” I couldn’t stop smiling. Yeah, he was breaking rules to see me. He’s a badass. Just saying.

“Harry who are you talking to?” I heard Liam call on the other end.

“Ermmm My mum.” Harry said. He didn’t sound too sure about that.

“No you’re not.” I heard Louis call from inside the room with Harry. “He called her babe. It’s Julia. Harry would never call his mum babe.”

“Harry, hang up the phone.” Liam said to him sounding serious.

“No.” Harry protested.

“You’re not supposed to have any contact with her. Paul said it was over. Stop trying to make this work.” Liam said.

“Fine. I have to go.” He said to me.

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later if you can ever get a time where no one sells you out.”

“Okay.” He laughed a bit. “Bye.”

“Bye.” I hung up the phone and threw it onto the mattress laying on the floor. This is stupid. I can’t even talk to him on the phone? I hate this so much. Thanks to Louis selling him out he had to hang up. Ughhhhh.

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