Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"We can't do this TV show, Craig," he shakes his head.

"Why not?" I ask with a shrug.

Jamie rubs his eyes, "You have guessed at who Agent 355 is... you've guessed that it's Abbigail, but who's to say that's true?"

"Jamie, listen," I sigh and hold up the faded book, "this is just an old book that the Library of Congress kept because it belonged to Benjamin Tallmadge. It is unsigned, it is unpresidented, and we have no proof that it is true."

"Then why did it make it into the pile of sources for writing?" Jamie Bell was pushing for this Trethewey character.

"We cannot find any documentation on her anywhere, Jamie. It's just a story," I set it down gently, "a very good story... but a story nevertheless. Now can we drop this?"

"Yeah," he shakes his head with a glare, "let's drop people from our history. That's okay."

I clear my throat as he slams the door on the way out, "Well then," I say with a huff, "you can take this back to the national archive."

"Very good," the historian that has been helping gives me a sideways look before putting the book back into it's box and heading for the door.

"Alright!" I say smiling at the men sitting at the table, "where were we?"

Rings of Spies and Webs of Lies; an AMC Turn FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now