Different POV's

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Author's note: Please don't hate Callum, this chapter will make it all better.

*A few weeks later*

Ugh, today is the day that new girl is coming. I don't see her...Oh!! There she is. She's beautiful. Oh no, i'll have to be careful with the dare. She introduces herself and blushes. The teacher tells her something but I am too busy staring intently at her face. She's pretty, her eyes tell me she is a good, smart person. Ugh. I think she has experience dating, but i'm not sure. She looks like she can't afford to get hurt anymore. Oh! I'm sorry but in her conversation with the blonde, Heather, I believe, she says she doesn't have a boyfriend. In Heather's eyes, I see something flicker, guilt? She wants me to break this sweet girl's heart.

*Date Night*

Hannah was wearing a jeweled armband and a teal shirt with a white undershirt. She also had on jeans and teal sneakers. This outfit, made her blue eyes light up in a beautiful manner. Her hair is down and she looks so good.

We get in the car and I drive her to the fancy restaurant that Ashby works at as a waiter. Mwah Ha Ha! Hannah and I will be treated by my best friend! I'm going to get back at him for making me do this stupid dare. "Hannah..." I need to tell her. "What?" She asks innocently. She'll hate me if I tell her...Should I? "Nevermind." I change my mind. I don't want to push her away yet.

We get there and I open the door for Hannah. She smiles and I melt. I give her my best cocky grin. I lead her inside and sit her down at a table set for two. I stare into her beautiful blue eyes... Something flickers in them. It looks like sadness, shock, and anger...Hannah is staring at something behind me. Hmmm. All of a sudden, she looks like she wants to run away as fast as she can. Ashby pokes my shoulder. "Hey man, what are you doing heeee-..." He stops talking when he sees Hannah. By now, she has tears in her eyes! I put my arm around her protectively. Why is Ashby staring at Hannah like that?

*Hannah's POV*

*tears welling up in her eyes*

Callum put his hand around me, sensing my sadness. He doesn't know. Why didn't Ashby tell him if they know each other so well... "Hannah?!"

*Ashby's POV*

"Hannah?!" I don't think it's her. Oh wait, there are tears in her eyes. Why the HELL is she here with Callum?! I thought she was gone. After what I did to her... "What the HELL are you doing here!" I saw a tear fall down her cheek. "Do you guys know each other?" Stupid Callum asked. I nodded at the same time Hannah said, "No, not anymore." Callum looked at us like we were crazy.

*Callum's POV*

I watch a tear roll down Hannah's cheek. "Do you guys know each other?" Ashby nodded and Hannah said, "No, not anymore." Ashby's face fell. "Look, Hannah, I..." "Shut the hell up Hunter, stop apologizing and leave me alone." Hannah snaps. "Callum, we should go..." I looked at them quizzically, waiting for them to explain. Ashby is such a jerk. Why is Hannah denying that she knows Ashby if he's the reason she's crying? I need to find out. "Let's stay. It's okay. Let's just order food and then we'll leave." I suggested. "I don't think we should stay." Hannah whispered.

*Hannah's POV*

No! I am NOT going to cry... Ugh. Why does my body betray me so. I crumble, tears falling, and hug Callum's broad chest. He blushes and pats my head awkwardly. Then, as if he thinks 'what the hell', he pulls me into a tight embrace.

Ashby basically rips him off of me and pulls him into the alley. I stare in shock as he throws a punch at Callum's jaw. Callum expertly seizes his hand and flips Ashby, pinning his arm behind his back. "Stay away from Hannah," they both threaten. "I don't want her to get hurt by you." They say, still in synch. Callum lets him go. Ashby glares at him and stalks away.

*Ashby's POV*

Oh no, I hate it when Hannah cries. Especially if she is with my best friend. Are they dating? This sends a chill of anger down my spine. I rip Callum off of her. What the hell is he doing. I'm the only one who is ever ever allowed to hold her like that. I drag him into the alley, remembering my friend is a player. I don't want Hannah with someone like him, he'll just hurt her. I throw a punch at his jaw, but I know he will catch it. As expected, he does and pins my arm behind my back in a painful manner. I wince in pain and anger. "Stay away from Hannah," we both threaten. "I don't want her to get hurt by you." We continue. Callum lets me go and I glare at him, full of hate. I know that anything I do is useless. I walk away, wallowing in my anger.

Author's Note: On second thought, it might make you hate more people in the story! Ha! By the way, I may not be able to update at all during thanksgiving break.

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