chapter 17

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Chapter XVII a journey longer than expected

“Finally we are… this doesn’t look like home Hazel are you sure you said the spell right.” Makail asked looking around at a gray area with a gravel road in front of them going in both directions for an unknown distance.

“I’m sure I did the spell right I even had the book with me see.” Hazel said pulling out the book showing it to him.

“If you did it right then why did we end up here.” Makail asked looking into the distance for any signs of life. “This place seems pretty desolate but there must be civilization or why would there be this gravel road.”

“You do have a point with that but where are the people? Hazel asked investigating the gravel road. “These rocks seem they’ve been moved recently and not by us.”

“Hey what are you guys doing, you know it’s dangerous being here at this time especially if you have abilities!” someone yelled in the distance.

“What do you mean by that?” Makail asked standing up.

“Because you're near a place you don’t want to be. T”here was then a shrilling shriek.

“Let’s go to this person because what that is, I don’t want to meet it” Hazel said running to the person with Makail following after her.

“I’m glad that happened but then i’m not.” the person said once they got to their side.

“Who are you first of all and what was that.” Makail asked standing up.

“I’ll explain it once we get going to aryx, which is in the opposite direction of that shriek.” The person said as they started to walk away on the gravel road.

“Alright so we are on our way, now start talking.” Makail said seriousness in his voice.

“Whoa whoa whoa no need to get violent or pushy I just possibly saved your life so chill I was just about to tell you, my name is Riker and that thing that made that shriek is what we maves call a gargoyle leviathan.” Riker explained looking forward and walking the entire time.

“I’ll take it that they are not very friendly, am I right Riker.” Makail responded.

“Not in the slightest and now, since I gave you my name I would like to now both of yours.” Riker commented.

“I think once we..”

“I’m Hazel and that’s Makail.” Hazel replied before Makail could finish his thought.

“Well it’s nice to meet you two.” Riker said.

“We got quite a walk till we get to aryx, so why don’t you tell me how you got there, this will also allow for you to prepare for what you will say once you get to our leader, they will have a lot of questions, and I mean a lot.” Riker explained.

“Well let’s see.”


The void

“Their getting closer to the time, i know inevitable but what can I do to prevent them from proceeding any further or at least stall them since he is now bound to be freed from the box which I hope would contain them for a lot longer than what had happened, this isn’t good at all.” Ragnarok ranted as he paced in the empty void. “If they succeed then my whole plan goes out the window and i’ll have to resort to my final ability, which is for sure a last resort, let’s just hope it works but with Karasil in the scheme of everything it most likely won't, they always find a way to throw a wrench in my plans no matter how sophisticated or well thought up they are, it’s that dastardly fourth wall ability that’s the problem, but luckily at the current moment I have some what possessed that ability, sadly not to the fully extent but enough to know someone is watching, such as you reader. I don’t exactly know where you are but I do know that you are waiting, reading, and you will see an outcome, that’s just how everything is with books. They have some sort of ending.” Ragnarok then looks up as if hoping to see you there but with no such luck he opens a portal and leaves the void.

The realm of gods, riki gudanna

“Finally you're back, did you have a good time in your meditation room?” Some asked.

“Yes of course I did callis, no need to worry.” Ragnarok lied.

“That’s good to hear but isn’t being in the dark a bad place to mediate?’ someone else asked.

“No, Deris I know you may be the goddess of the sun but not everything is good in the light.” Ragnarok answered.

“You are right or we wouldn’t need Arkem.”

“Hey i’m standing right next to you, you know.” Arkem said a little annoyed with their arms crossed.

“It was supposed to be a compliment not an insult so chill off Arkem which should be easy especially since your night.” Deris said slightly annoyed.

“I will not cool off to the likes of you, you sunshiney rainbow making nut head.” Arkem said bitterly.

“Me being sunshiney you are the one making the night sky filled with stars you unfair brat.” Deris fired back.

“They are being like children again Diremil, why must they always fight can’t they be like civil siblings like us.” Zerimil commented.

“Well we were like that at one point but we’ve learned.”

“You are right but it has been 13.5 gigennium or 13 billion years since our creation, we only took a century to sort things out, they’ve been going on like this for a more than 2 gigennium.” Zerimil commented.

“You two need to stop fighting we have work we need to do.” Ragnarok demand.

“Sorry ragnarok we should hold this till later.” Arkem said.

“I agree with that but what do we need to work on.” Deris asked.

“The finding of how to transport someone to our realm.” Ragnarok said but in reality I need to send them to the void.

“So where do we start.” Herail asked.

“We start with a test.” Ragnarok explained with a smile, one with a sinister intent.

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