Chapter 1

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Shinko No Chizu(Faith Of Cheese):

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Shinko No Chizu(Faith Of Cheese):

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I growled as I swung my arm to hit my alarm clock. As my arm hit something solid, I heard a groan of pain come from my brother.

"Ahaha, I'm sorry, Natsume," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. He just glared at me.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slammed my fist onto my alarm clock, smashing it to pieces.

"Shinko! We just got a new alarm!" Natsume yelled.

"Hehe," I chuckled before sliding off the blue and white bed and grabbing me a pair of clothes.(C1) I walked into the bathroom and changed from my sleepwear into my new clothes. I grabbed my bag and dragged Natsume out of the door and to the bus stop where our friends, Beth, Hotaka, Ichika, and Liv, were waiting.

Beth had straight honey brown hair that went to her mid shoulder, tan skin, and eyes that were hazelnut brown with navy blue streaks. She was wearing jeans and a light blue and dark blue shirt with quarter length sleeves with a giant 24 on it and tennis shoes.

Liv was wearing a red shirt, her signature navy blue hoodie, ripped jeans, and black combat boots. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail that was brown with some lighter streaks in it, her skin was pale, and her eyes were dark blue, blue gray, then sea green.

"What took you so long?! You're late!" Beth yelled," What were-!"

"We have donuts!" Hotaka cut his older sister off. Liv rolled her eyes.

"We had to keep Liv from eating them all because we had to save some for you," Ichika said, aggravating his younger sister. Liv thumped her brother on the forehead before saying," I wasn't going to eat all of them."

"Sure you weren't gonna eat all of them," I said, sarcastically. At that remark we all burst out laughing. Well, except for Natsume.

Hotaka grabed the donuts and handed me and Natsume the last two. Mine was a regular donut with chocolate icing while Natsume got one with white icing.

"Thanks" I said while bitting into the donut. Nastume was more skiddish though. Beth was always pranking him, but it was never anything bad.

"What did you do to this?" He asked

"Why would you think I did any thing to it" Beth complained

"You are always pranking me" Nastume snapped. Beth tried to look offended but she couldn't stop smiling. With a suspicious glare Nastume hesitlily bit into the donut. At that moment pink sparkles exploded from the donut. The sparkles went all over Nastume and left him very sparkely. Beth doubled over laughing while the rest of us, except for Natsume, laughed as well.

"Priceless, Beth!" Liv chuckled, standing up straight and getting her bag straightened up. The bus soon came and I smirked knowing that someone would be asleep.

"Uh-oh, Soji. You better be awake," Beth giggled. We all got on, Liv sat next to a sleeping Soji, Beth sat down beside an angered Natsume, I sat down in front of Ichika, and Hotaka sat alone in front of Ichika. Liv slapped Soji awake before saying," No sleeping on the bus! Next time I am just going to leave you sitting there!

"You say that every time," Soji grumbled.

"Yet she never follows it, eh, Soji?" I teased. Liv grinned before saying," It's just fun to tease people." I faced forward, eying the couple along with Natsume and Beth. Why can't my stupid twin and idiot of a friend realize they like each other? I then turned towards Ichika and laughed as I watched Hotaka put small donut crumbs in Ichika's hair, trying not to get Ichika to notice.

"Why are you laughing at me, Shinko?" Ichika asked.

"Um... Nothing..?" I stated, but it came out like a question. Ichika looked up to see Hotaka with donut crumbs. The crumbs that were already in his hair fell out and I laughed harder. The bus soon became silent and I turned around to see why...

Standing at the front of the bus stood a stranger that I have never seen before. At that same time, Beth seemed to shrink back into her seat as if trying to be invisible and avoid the dude.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. I saw Natsume whisper something that I couldn't make out.

This story is for my pal and 'mom' she's like my sister. cheese_lover230

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