Chapter 6

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I woke up feeling a lot of pressure on my stomach.

"What on earth?!" I yelled, knocking whatever was on me over.

"Oof!" I heard a voice yell as they fell.

"Why so mean?" she complained.

"You stepped on me," I told her, bluntly.

"And? You could've just told me to move," she argued.

"You wouldn't've."

"Yes I would've!"

"Both of you shut up!!!!" Beth yelled, furiously," Some people are trying to sle-" Natsume cut her off by covering her mouth.

"You need to learn to follow your own advice," he mumbled. I was expecting Beth to lick his hand like she did to Liv and Shinko, but she never did. Instead she moved her hand to his forehead and flicked him.

"Ok, I'm going back to sleep. I suggest that you do the same. No more yelling," I accidentally yelled.

"But you're yelling!" Liv whined," You have to go by your own rules!"

"Hypocrite," Beth agreed.

"Just everyone be quiet and settle down. Just go to sleep," Natsume muttered reaching for his book, he probably is going to read for the rest of the night. I didn't argue, I just turned back over to go back to sleep.

Time Skip To Morning:

I woke up to something kicking me, just a topical morning.

"Liv, stop. Just stop. You know I'm up by the fifth kick," I muttered.

"Nooooo. I'm going to keep kicking you~!" she exclaimed, ending in a sing song voice.

"I'm up I'm up," I said sitting up and grabbing her foot before she could kick me again. She stumbled a bit as I pushed her away from me, but quickly regained her balance with a smirk on her face and standing on one foot.

"We're gonna play hide and seek if you want you can join! C'mon Beth, Natsume, Sion, Soji, Wakasa, Hotaka, Shinko, Kin! Let's play!"

"Nooooooo!" everyone but Soji yelled.


"Ok, Liv, we will play. You count," I said.

"Yay!" Liv yelled, excitedly. She skipped to a corner and started counting.

"1........." I grouped everyone around and said," Let's go get breakfast at Waffle House. She hates it there." Everyone smirked and nodded before we all ran off.

Time Skip One Hour:

"Why are you guys and girls not leaving?" an employee at Waffle House asked us.

"We're playing hide and seek with our friend, ma'am. She never set out any rules and she tends to come here only when people force her to," Natsume said. We all nodded.

"Yeah. I believe she is looking for us right away," Shinko added," So we can't leave our spot."

"Why are everyone's phones on the tables?" the woman asked.

"Who ever reaches for their phone first, pays the bill. We do it every time," Aoi explained.

"Eh, ok as long as one of you pays I have no problem with that." She said walking away to check on her other tables.

"Hey guys what time is it?" Beth asked

"Well let's see," Soji said grabbing his phone to check the time. "8:23, wait..." He didn't finish because we were all laughing.

"You have to pay now Soji," I laughed.

"Soji.. Soji.. Soji.. I thought you were too smart to fall for that, usually it's Liv," Beth said mockingly.

"Well you Soji certainly have caught on to Liv's gullible-ness," Aoi teased. The door slammed open and we heard a growl.

"I know that growl from anywhere..," Soji and I mumbled before our eyes widened in realization.

"It's Liv!" I yelled. Soji quickly paid before we all went to the back door, leaving as quickly as possible. I heard Liv yell from inside," WHERE DID MY STUPID BROTHER, FRIENDS, AND TEACHER GO?!?! I KNOW THEY WERE IN HERE!!!"

"Quick guys to my car!" Kin yelled. We all ran off to Kin's 'car.' It was really just the school bus he uses whenever we have rehearsal or all of us just hang out.

"WHERE THE FUDGE DID THEY GO?!?! Wait..." I heard Liv's voice calm down meaning that she probably just got hash browns and a sweet tea. Her usual. For her, food she likes is like a sedative and makes her instantly be quiet. A few moments later we got to the school. Kin quickly herded us into a closet, but me and Beth were smarter the first place Liv would look was the closet. Beth climbed on to the rafters, while I climbed into a locker.

A new student who I had never seen before came in. She was short, had curly light brown hair in a pixie cut, green hazel eyes, a pink jacket that was zipped up showing a blue shirt, jeans, tennis shoes, and on her head was a cat ear headband.

"Is anyone here?!" she yelled.

'Great,' I thought sarcastically,' She's going to be tagged by Liv.'

"Kin! We all forgot the new kid was coming to meet up with ya!" Liv yelled, dragging the new kid over to the closet everyone was hiding in. She tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Fudge. New girl, you have a bobby pin? Wait... I have one in my hoodie pocket..." She pulled out a bobby pin and began to pick the closet door lock.

"This would be so much easier if I had a knife..," she muttered. The lock soon gave in to Liv trying to unlock it and it unlocked. She opened the door, slowly, all the while grinning evilly. She walked into the closet and began dragging Kin out of the room by his green hair. I heard laughter come from everyone in the closet and as everyone was walking by the locker I was in, I opened the locker and jumped out.

"Anyone see Beth?" Liv asked. We all shook our heads and I inwardly grinned, knowing where she was. Before anyone could look for her, Beth quickly jumped down tackling Liv in the process.

"Oww!" Liv yelped now pinned to the ground," Do you have to be so rude?"

"Yes, yes I do, if you wanna play hide and seek then you have to be ready for me to tackle you. This happens every time," Beth said in her evil-happy way.

This is our longest chapter so far. cheese_lover230 enjoys writing long chapters.

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