Chapter 3

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We all walked to the classroom. Willem was still oblivious to the fact that I was there. I stayed behind Natsume, trying to stay invisible to Willem's eye. I knew that when Kin would be calling out roll, Willem would notice me. We all walked into the classroom and Kin grabbed his roll paper.

"Alright!" he yelled," We have someone someone new today! Please tell us your name!" Willem stood up and began to introduce himself.

"Good morning everyone!" he said, a false smile on his face," My name is Willem!" Kin started calling roll once Willem sat down.

"Liv!" Kin called.

"Here!" Liv yelled, smiling a closed eye smile and holding up a peace sign.

"Sojiro Sasaki!"

"It's Soji!" Soji yelled, angrily.

"Sion Iseya!"

"Hello, Kinshiro! How are you doing?" Sion said with a grin.

"I'm good," Kin answered before continuing.


"It is I, the fabulous Hotaka!" he said, grinning and motioning to himself.


"You already know I'm here," he mumbled.

"Oh, I know all of you are here. I just like calling roll. It's fun," Kin continued.


"Yes?" Aoi questioned.

"Just calling roll! Shinko No Chizu!"

"Just Shinko please. I'll even accept Faith. Just not my full name please," Faith mumbled.


"I am present, Mr.Kinshiro," Natsume said.


"I'm here, Kin," I said, sinking back into my seat as Willem's eyes flashed in recognition of my name.

"Beth..?" Willem asked, shocked I was here.

"It's me..," I mumbled.

"I thought you went to a different school," he stated.

"No... I've always gone here..." We went through the rest of the school day, me trying to avoid Willem and Willem trying to get my attention.

Time Skip To End Of The Day:

We all boarded the bus to go home. Wakasa was sitting behind Soji and Liv. All was normal except for the aura that hung in the air. This had happened before, Willem gave off this aura that had every body on edge.

When we finally got to our bus stop, Wakasa and Willem had already gotten off the bus, but I knew I was not through with Willem for the day. Whenever Willem is around that means Anti Em is here.  Whenever Anti Em was here she made me and Hotaka go to the  fanciest places. Me and Hotaka couldn't stand Anti Em. She was against every thing fun. No music. No acting. No reading. No love/romance. No friends. Did I mention no reading. She made Hotaka dress like Willem in a suit and made me where a dress and makeup.  Can you believe her? Makeup!!

Me, Natsume, Liv, Ichika, Hotaka, and Faith all got off the bus and headed to each of our houses.

Once inside I yelled, "WHY WILLEM!! WHY NOW!!!"

Hotaka laughed before saying, "Didn't you know that he was coming? I told you multiple times."

"You never told me anything," I complained.

Time skip to restaurant:

"I hate dresses," I mumbled to Hotaka while we were walking to meet up with Willem and Anti Em.

"I hate suits," Hotaka mumbled back. We both smiled.

When we finally got to the restaurant we sat down with Anti Em and Willem. I kept my mouth shut and a fake smile on my face. Hotaka did the same. We were about half way through our meal when I noticed Faith and Nastume sitting a few tables away. Faith was walking away and I took my chance.

"May I be excused?" I asked politely as I could Anti Em only nodded. I hurriedly made my way to Faith who was walking to the restroom. "You gotta help me," I whispered to her.

"Beth?" she asked me. I nodded. "I feel bad now. I didn't even recognize you"

"It's ok," I replied. "Anti Em is here." Although Faith had never met Anti Em she had heard many stories from me and my brother.

"I'll see what I can do," Faith said.

"Please do. I don't know how much longer I can stand being in this dress," I whined. She smiled.

"I'll inform my brother about you being here," she said mischievously.

"Thank you so much. I better be going now," I said. Then I returned to my table. A few moments later Faith returned to her table. I saw her whisper something to Natsume, then he looked in my direction and seemed surprised.

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