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Shadow and Silver and Knuckles finished off the rest of the robots. They then walked over to the rest of the group who were looking at Scourge. "Uh? What? What happened?" Amy stepped forward and said, "Eggman took him!" Scourge nodded and then looked at the others. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Shadow stepped forward and gave him an angry look. "Eggman said you helped him. Is that true?"  Scourge looked down at the ground. "I did, but I quit after I realized he was going to try and hurt sonic!" Shadow looked at him menacingly. "It doesn't matter if you quit! You still helped him!" Knuckles stepped forward ready to hurt him. Silver then stepped forward. "Stop it guys! Look I know we are all mad at him but sonic is in trouble now! We need to focus on that!" Amy nodded. "Your right Silver." Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"How do we find him?" Amy said. Scourge stepped forward. "I know where his base is, here take this, it'll lead you right to him." Amy took it and examined it. "It looks legit, but how do we know it's safe?" Scourge looked at her. "I worked for him, trust me it is." Amy looked at him and realized he wasn't lying. "Then let's go! We have a friend to save!" They all began to go off except scourge. Amy turned and looked at him. "Aren't you coming?" She asked. "No, I messed up, I don't want to mess up more." Amy began to say something but shadow interrupted. "Good, leave him! He is the reason we're in this mess." Tails wanted to say something but decided against it. Amy looked at him. "Look I know you messed up but it's not to late to redeem yourself." Scourge sat there and said nothing. "Let's go! Chaos control!" Shadow said and they all vanished leaving him behind. Scourge walked off to be alone.

At Eggman's lab.

Sonic sat asleep on a table as a ray beam sat over him. Eggman smiled. "This is it! All my plans are about to come true." He said happily. Orebot then looked at him curiously. "What do you mean? What exactly is your plan?" Eggman once again smiled. "My plan is to turn him into a creature, one super powerful and reckless, and to release him into the city!" "What will that achieve?" Cubot said. "He'll destroy it! And since he was their friend his friends will be to afraid to attack him or stop him!" Just then a computer voice came on. "Beam charging, 87% complete." "Soon I will have his world! And with him on the lose no one will be able to oppose me!" He the laughed manically.

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