Chapter 6

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When i got home Haley had fallen asleep in connors lap. Two and a half men were on the tv.

'You talk to him?' Connor whispered.

'Yep,' i nodded. 'He was kissing Daisy! So i told him not to come anywhere near her again or else he will have to go though us, and then he took Daisy's hand and walked off.'

Connor looked at me shocked. 'So he was cheating?'

'I dont know but he can kiss her all he likes, as long as we tale care of Haley.'

Tristan walked in.

'You serious? He was kissing her?'

'Yep,' i didnt know what i was feeling. Anger? Sadness? Disappointment? I didnt know.

I went over and sat down next to connor and Haley and Tris joined me.

We just sat there watching the tv when the door went.

Tris got up, 'I swear to god if thats him im going to punch his face in!'

He walked over to the door and opened it almost expecting James to be on the other side.


'Hi Tris, um is Haley here? I need to talk to her,' she emphasised the need.

Tristan's POV

I opened the door to find Daisy on the other side.

'Daisy?!' i asked half shocked and half confused.

'Hi tris, um is Haley here? I need to talk to her,' i dont know if it was just the light, but i swear i saw tears in her eyes.

'Shes asleep at the moment. Wheres James?' i stuck my head out the door to look around for him.

'I left him,' she said.

Left him as in down the toad left him? Or left him as in broke up with him?

'Oh um ok. Well what do you need to talk to Haley about?'

I was very confused.

'I need to tell her im sorry. Neither her or James told me that they were together.'

'You didnt?' i looked at her showing my confusion.

'No i didnt, i feel really bad, i love Haley shes like my sister and i cant lose her. I will lose James but i cant lose Haley.'

'Daisy you better be telling me the truth or i am going to regret letting you come in.'

I led her in the house and into the sitting room.

The lads instantly sat up and glared at her then me and then back at her.

'Guys calm shes fine, she wants to say sorry to Haley. She didnt know that james and Haley were dating.'

'Course she didnt,' Brad glared at her.

'I didnt i swear,' a tear fell down Daisy's face.

Haley's POV

I was still lying on connors chest. They must have carried me upstairs when i fell asleep.

I heard talking. Was that daisy?

I opened my eyes to see her standing in the door way.

I sharply sat up.

'What do you want?!' there was anger in my voice, i could hear it.

'Haley...' her voice broke.

There was something wrong.

'Haley im so sorry, i didnt know you and James were dating. He didnt tell me and neither did you. I swear if i knew i wouldnt have dated him too. Im so so sorry Haley.'

I got up and walked over and gave her a hug. 'I should have told you im sorry Daisy.'

'Dont be silly, i should have known something was going on when he was always over yours.'

We hugged it out then i walked back over and sat next to connor whilst she sat next to tristan.

'So,' she started, 'how about revenge?'

I laughed, 'I think james has been through enough thanks to us,' i gestured to the lads.

'What do you mean?' she looked at me confused.

'Well you see Daisy us four have a secret from James.'


'Yes,' i smiled.

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