Chapter Seventeen

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Kaya was asleep in the chair that was right next to Kate's bed where she was sleeping.

Kate's eyes fluttered open and she looked around the room. She noticed she was in a hospital and sighed.

Kaya woke up when she heard someone moving around then she saw Kate was awake and smiled.

"Kate! Oh my god. Kate." Kaya said and tears came to her eyes.

"Kaya?" Kate asked.

Kaya nodded with a grin as she looked at her sister and sat next to her on her bed.

"You look like shit." Kate said and Kaya chuckled at her.

"Good to have you back, Kate." Kaya said.

"Where's Sam? Oh my god, is he okay?" Kate asked, worry in her voice as she tried to sit up but ended up hurting herself instead.

"Hey, stop. You're gonna rip the stitches out. Just relax." Kaya told her sister.

"Where's Sam?" Kate asked her again.

"Sam.. he's.." Kaya couldn't say it. Not to Kate.

Someone knocked on the door so she turned around and her eyes widened when she saw Sam. She looked to Dean behind him and glared.

"Hey." Sam smiled and Kaya got up and smiled at Sam before hugging him.

"It's good to see you up and moving around, Sam," Kaya told him. "Uh, I'll be right back. Mind staying with Kate?"

"Sure." Sam nodded to her and sat next to Kate.

Kaya walked off down the hall after grabbing Dean and she took him outside with her. She shoved him against the wall, angrily.

"What the hell did you do? Huh?!" Kaya shouted at him. "What did you do?!"

"Stop it!" Dean shouted.

"You sold your soul, didn't you? Didn't you?!" Kaya shouted at him.

"Yeah! I sold my soul!" Dean shouted.

Kaya's eyes started to tear up as she stared at him.

"How long? How long do you have, Dean? A month? Two months?" Kaya asked him, her voice cracking.

"A year." Dean said and Kaya wiped her tears away.

"Oh my god, Dean. What the hell is wrong with you?" Kaya asked him.

"What, so you get to keep your sister but I lose my brother?" Dean asked her, harshly.

"I can't believe you would even say that to me. I didn't choose for this to happen! You jerk!" Kaya shouted at him. She started to walk away but he took her hand.

"Kaya, wait," Dean said and she looked back at him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

"Dammit, Dean.. you have no idea how much I care about you and Sam. Sam is like a brother to me.. and you.." Kaya said but she couldn't finish it. Dean became very curious when she wouldn't say it.

"What? What am I to you?" Dean asked her, a bit gentler this time as he got closer to her.

"You're an idiot," Kaya said and he sighed and shook his head as he looked away. He started to walk away until she talked again. "But.. you're my idiot."

Dean looked back at her, surprised.

"Sam and Kate are going to be wondering why we're taking so long." Kaya said.

"Right." Dean nodded to her. They both walked back inside and went back to Kate's room.

Sam stood up and walked over to them.

"So, we going to Bobby's?" Sam asked Dean.

"Yeah. We need to bring Kaya and Kate along with us though." Dean said.

"What? Kate can't go anywhere." Kaya said.

"Yes-Yes, I can. I wanna get the hell out of here anyways and I can rest when we're at Bobby's," Kate said, trying to sit up. "Not to mention, hospitals creep me out." Kate was able to sit up.

Kaya sighed and nodded to her sister. "Alright. Alright, we'll find a way to get you out of here."

"We can cause a distraction. Fire alarm, maybe?" Sam suggested.

"Yeah. That would help," Kaya nodded to him. "I'll help her get her clothes on then I'll let you guys know when."

Dean and Sam nodded to her.


Fire alarms were going off through the place and they all came running out of the building with Kate in Dean's arms.

They got over to the Impala and Sam unlocked the car then they put Kate in first before Kaya hopped in. Sam tossed Dean the keys before getting in the passenger side then Dean ran around and got in, quickly starting the Impala before driving off.

"Alright. We're only a few hours away." Dean said.

"You gonna be okay?" Kaya asked Kate and she nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'd kill for some food though." Kate said.

Sam looked through the glovebox of the Impala and found some crackers and handed it to Kate.

"This should hold you over." Sam smiled at her.

"Yeah. Thanks, Sam." Kate smiled back.

Kaya sighed when she looked at Sam. She couldn't help but think about Dean dying a year from now. What was Sam going to do without his brother?

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