It started Uncontrollably

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Author's Note
Before you start, I wrote this quite some time ago(2017), I was a lot younger so this book won't make sense at times.
-Please check out my newest Saida book  Tomorrow Without You


I tend to imagine having sleepovers with you. We would watch dramas all night then I will try to impress you by thinking of dumb things to say to make you laugh and try my very best to get you to like me back.

Sometimes I ask myself how it turned out like this. Just a few months ago we were competing with each other to be one of the 9 members of TWICE. The only thing I thought of when I saw you was "competitor" or "enemy that could take up my spot in twice"

But we debuted together. We both made it. I didn't intend to be your Friend or anything I wasn't interested in getting to know you,
but it started there and then.

9 of us on buses, planes and practicing together let us interact and talk to more. Was it her personality? Or her beauty? It started probably in the second week when I started enjoying spending time with my group. "They weren't so bad after all" I thought to myself.

All 9 of us decided that we wanted to switch roommates. Not that we had a problem with our current one we just thought it would help us bond more. Except for the baby tiger Chaeyoung. She secretly told me she was uncomfortable with Jeongyeon because she kept teasing her. Those no fun brothers..

This time, we decided to switch roommates by drawing lots so we all wrote our names on a piece of paper and put it in a bag.
Everyone looked so happy and excited, until I glanced at Chaeyoung. She looked nervous, probably worried about getting Jeongyeon as her roommate again.

"We will go by age order so Nayeon u pick first," Jihyo announced. Some of the other members teased Nayeon for being old.

"YAAAAHHHHHH I AM STILL VERY YOUNG!" Nayeon screamed. Everyone out in laughter.

How could I not have noticed this? Sana... she looks even prettier laughing. There's no way a human can look so beautiful while laughing so hard. My heart. It's beating. Too quickly...

I suddenly really wanted Sana to be my roommate.

"JEONGYEON! you're my roommate!" Nayeon exclaimed. Nayeon and Jeongyeon always had this "love-hate" relationship. We always teased them calling them a couple. "Honey~" Nayeon teased. Everyone started laughing again and Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.

"Momo it's your turn," Jihyo handed the bag of names to Momo. She closed her eyes and stuck her hand into the bag. She unfolded the paper. All of us waited in anticipation. "SANA!" Momo's face lit up. So did Sana's.

My heart sank a little. It didn't matter. I'm here because this is my dream to be a star. I am living a dream and there's no reason why I should feel sad or worry. Then why am I like this?

"But Momo, Sana was your roommate so pick another one and put Sana's name back. Sorry," Jihyo said and gave an apologetic look. Momo sighed and did as she was told.

"Jihyo! You're my new roommate!" Momo smiled at Jihyo as she giggled in return.

"Okay, Sana's turn to pick a roommate," Momo handed the bag to Sana.

"Dahyun!! We're roommates!!" Sana smiled at me. "Really?! I'm so happy!" I really meant what I said.

I won't tell you the whole process of who was paired with who because it didn't matter in the story I'm telling you. So anyway, this was how it worked out
Nayeon, Jeongyeon
Mina, Chaeyoung

We moved our stuff. We didn't have much to move because we travelled a lot and it wasn't our property so we weren't allowed to paste stuff on the walls or anything.

Sana was carrying her blanket , pillow and 2 stuffed bears. "Dubuuu we're gonna have so much fun together!" Sana declared

"yes! We can secretly stay up late at night at watch movies!" We both laughed. Don't worry, it wasn't awkward or anything because all 9 of us were extremely close and we all had a special bond with every member. Sana was my "honey" buddy, she likes to be all sweet like that. Sometimes we would tease each other and she would mess up my hair.

She always helped me do my makeup. "Dubu yaa your skin is so beautiful you don't even need makeup," She would always say to me.

During our free time in the room, we would do V lives and talk to our fans. We did quite a lot of V lives together. Sometimes it was just us 2 sometimes it was a group of us but after awhile, it would always end up being just the two of us.

And that was how the ship name was born. "Saida" fans started pairing us together. We weren't the only ships though. There was Michaeng. That ship was quite popular too. I don't disagree with ONCEs Mina and Chaeyoung were extremely sweet together.

Whenever Jeongyeon or Nayeon teased Chaeyoung she would run and hide behind Mina. They wait and look for each other during events too, I have to admit it's cute.

I don't mind being shipped with Sana as best friends. All 9 of us are extremely close and really good friends but if I had to pick a Best Friend, it would be Sana.

I found myself thinking of things to say to make her laugh, to make her like me.

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