Chapter 8: Blackjack and Titanium Sitting In a Tree.

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The tension in the headquarters was so thick, you could cut through it with a knife.
Noah and I had hurried over, assassins don't often get asked to work together.
We walked into a huge penthouse with the words Chessington Hotel printed on the golden swirling doors. The building was a whopping 38 stories high with the basement excluded.
Chase Chessington owns the building and he is one of the biggest millionaires in the country, je throws around his money like he has an endless amount... Oh wait, he does.
Noah and I walked into the main hall and went to the resptionst.
The man was hiding behind the large, white desknin front of him, he couldn't have been too much older than me and he didn't look cut out for the job. His pimply face prepared for social interaction as he saw people walk in. He wore a white shirt under a black vest with Chessington sewn into the back in army green stiching.
"Excuse me?" I said politely, he stopped fiddling with his scarred hands and looked up to see me.
I admit, I am quite attractive (I have never been one to be a bitch about it though) but the man was absolutely gobsmacked with my apperence. His jaw was hitting the ground and he just stood there, clearly making me uncomfortable.
Noah pushed in front of me and pointed his finger in the man's face.
"Mate, if you don't straighten the fuck up," I was mortified with the foul language Noah used, so unnecessary,"I will punch it out of you!" Noah shouted threateningly.
I pushed his arm down and glared at him before turning my attention to the crowd around the elevator.
People were screaming and phones were flashing. The crowd was so big, I don't know hpw I only noticed it now. I heard the name, "Chase Chessington," being thrown around so it didn't take me long to guess who it was. The crowd was mostly teenage girls, probably younger than me,  but Chase is 36 years old! That's disgusting!
The crowd cleared a path and soon Chase Chessington walked through, right in front of Noah and I.
Chase had very dark skin and his hair resembled a box on his head. His eyes were piercing green, they seemed to make his whole face glow up with hope and envy. His face was slim and chiselled, his nose was quite big and his lips were like a heart on his face. His lips were so perfectly designed to pop off his face in an effortless way. He was around the same height as me (maybe I was a little taller) and his muscles were bulging out of his suit that was clearly too small, thus causing discomfort for himself. The way people circled around him, made out that he doesn't make public apperences often and that he is basically treated like a god here. People were hitting one another to get close to him, he must be so lucky.
"Blackjack and Titanium? Right?" Chase's voice was extremely sexy, I can sort of see why people fight over him.
"Yeah," I said quickly, pushing in front of Noah, just to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.
"Lovely to meet you both." Chase said, he put his hand out to shake mine but I nervously backed away, Noah saved me just in time by shaking Chase's hand for me, all the while giving me weird expressions.
"What are you two wearing?" Chase enquired rudely, gesturing to our school uniform.
"Sorry, we just came from school." Noah said reassuringly.
Chase glanced at me before, "Right well I booked you both room 457, get dressed in clothes there. It's dangerous for two assassins to show any infomation about themselves."
Why is this guy just telling me the basics of being a assassin, I know!
"Together?" Noah squeaked, "How long are we going to be here for?"
"Just for tonight, it's going to take a while to tell you the mission." Chase said casually.
"Can we not have separate rooms?" I asked, my voice shaking. 
It really freaks me out, having to share a room with someone, I don't want to because Noah is... is Noah!
Butterflies sawed through my stomach, and I felt my face getting hot.
"No Titanium, you can't, I don't want there to be any questions about me renting two rooms, one is suspicious enough!" Chase said professionally.
I rolled my eyes and agreed.

"You have got to be kidding me!"
"No way!"
Noah and I were gobsmacked as we looked around the mighty room, it's bigger than my apartment!
We walked through the room and I lay down on the bed. I made a gentle bounce back up before I was swalled whole by the fluffy blanket. Beside me, on the bed, there were two sets of black, tight leather clothes.
Suddenly I sat up in alarm, "Noah? What are you going to tell your parents?"
Noah took his head out of the fridge and looked at me with his relaxed face.
"I'll just tell them that I am sleeping at a friend's tonight." I sighed, "What about you?" He asked.
Do you know when there is someone that makes you nervous and they change your personality, you for some reason find yourself speechless around them?
Nope? I guess I'm the only one then.
I started to stutter and freeze up.
"Erm..." I couldn't even speak, if it was anyone else, I could easily come up with a lie but I was well and truly stuck here.
"I'm going to get dressed now, do you mind?" I snapped rudely.
Noah took an offended step back before I headed into the bathroom.
I got in there and my pounding heart was calming down, I think he fell for it. Who am I kidding? Of course he didn't, he's going to question me when I come out. I know it! I know it!
I got dressed and saw myself in the mirror.
There I was, staring back at myself. I was completely calm until I started feeling pressured. Like the mirror was demanding me to make eye contact, but I couldn't look away otherwise I wouldn't see the mirror anymore.
I felt stressed, even though it was just a mirror and I was just freaking out. I felt powerless and that feeling is far to familiar to me.
I had a couple of flashbacks and I couldn't take it.
I screamed out and punched the mirror.
Broken shards flew out everywhere and I felt a throbbing pain shot through my hand.
I screamed in pain before realising that my own messed up self did this.
Noah ran in, shirtless, and was shocked.
"What the fuck happened?" He screamed, frightened.
"Nothing." I mumbled, I looked away from him and the mirror, avoiding any eye contact.
"No Queen," Noah put his hand on my chin and made me look up to him, "You have been doing nothing but avoiding my normal questions and now you turn into a freak an-"
"Don't you dare call me a freak!" I bellowed.
Noah folded his arms yet I was still looking straight at him.
"You have to tell me what's going on."
"No I don't."
"Well if you don't want to tell me then tell Chase."
"You wouldn't."
"I would," He smirked.
"Shut up." I finally said.
I walked out of the bathroom and started to run my hand underneath the tap.
"You can't run away from me when we are staying in the same room." Noah said, leaning on the counter top.
I threw my hand towards Noah but he caught it and held my wrist tightly. I was pulled to his chest and I looked him right in the eyes.
We were silent for a while and I realised that Noah and my hearts were beating almost in sync, again.
Before I knew what was happened, Noah pulled me into a kiss.
I was kissing Noah!
His grip loosened on my wrist and I put it on his shoulder, while he moved both his hands on my waist.
We were stuck in an embrace with each other, at first, I tried to pull away but I was attached to Noah.

Hey guys! Sorry for this chapter being so late, I got school and it's pretty time consuming.
Anyway, what a change in events!
Will Queen open up about her past to Noah and what else will this steamy kiss bring?
Bye loves! 😘

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