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Back to Viktor
*hears a knock on the door. Gets up to get the door*
Viktor: *opens door* huh?!?
?:* puts a bag over Viktor' s head * shh or the neighbours will hear you
Viktor: HELP! HELP!
?: that's it * knocks Viktor out*
5 hours later Viktor wakes up
?: Morning sunshine
Viktor: who are you !?what do you want from me!?
?: ahh right i totally forgot I didn't tell you
?:well let's just say we aren't the best of friends
Viktor: they will find you
?: oh and who might that be. Your boyfriend the one you fought with the one who hung up on you the one who made you cry your self to sleep
Viktor:*about to tear up* h-how do you know that
?: I KNOW all.  I SEE all. I AM all
Viktor:*now crying* just let me go!
?: SHUT IT! YOUR IN MY CONTROL NOW! *he violently kisses Viktor*
*Viktor bites his lip and spits the blood from his lip on him once the person let's go from pain*
Viktor: touch me again I will kill you my legs are still fine
?: I wouldn't be to sure about that  *the mysterious person repeatedly aggressively kicks Viktor in the shins*
Viktor: AHHHH!
?:hehehe this is gonna be fun

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