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Yuuri's POV(>y<)
  We headed back to the hotel while dropping Yurio off at Otabek's we were all to scared to be alone after tonight.  Plus me and Viktor needed to "talk." As we headed home we decided to stop by a sushi restaurant i was craving sushi so much right now and it seemed viktor needed it too.  His stomach growled a bit and I snickered slightly.  I missed the old times when we could talk like we weren't strangers to each other.  I missed holding his hands proudly down the streets.  I missed having a funny, loving, and sweet boyfriend who was always there for me.  I missed him. He looked at me in confusion and I looked away and then brought up that we were there.  We got inside and ate great.  Viktor started shoving his face and I held back my laughs but one left my mouth. "What are you laughing about" he says with a pouty face.  "Nothing, nothing." "Yuuuuriiii". He pleads "tell meeee." "Ok, ok" I laugh a bit "you remind me of someone". " whooooooo" I started laughing and I say " Yurio" he pouts and turns his bright red cheeks to the side.  After food we head to Victor's hotel room only to find everything GONE.  Everything was gone, files, papers, pictures, phones, laptops.  Everything  was gone we search around the house looking for Macachan but he's gone.  Viktor falls tobthe ground with a note in his hands.
"Dear Viktor, I thought it would be fun to tease you so I took ONE of your most prized possessions hurry the clock is ticking and there is only a matter of time before I get the others
Love~???"  I swore I would kill him if he layed another finger on someone I love and I will keep that promise. 
For Viktor.

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