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I am a fixer
I mend torn hearts
Stitch crushed souls
Piece people back together
I am a fixer.

When my friends come to me
With ripped hearts
At the hands of some idiotic boy
I pick up my sewing needle
And my thread
And slowly,
I begin to mend.
The needle pokes my fingers
Leave tiny holes
But I don't complain.
I stitch until my hands turn red
The stains of my blood
And theirs.
They happily wave goodbye.

When the boy I love comes to me
With a crushed soul
Eyes glistening with tears
I pick up the shards of glass
And slowly piece him back together.
The glass cuts my hands
My eyes tear from the pain
But I choke back the tears
And continue on.
My palms once smooth,
Are now torn apart, jagged.
When I am done
He is as mended
As I am torn.
He happily waves goodbye.

Forgotten until the next time
My services are of use.

At the end of a long day
I pack up my sewing needle
My thread
My glue
And all my other tools.

I am a fixer
Because as long as I fix other people
No one will look deeper and realize
That I am the most broken of all.
Scars that have closed over wounds
Jagged cuts crisscrossing my heart.
Yet, I worry and wonder
Who will fix me?

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