After the Second American Civil War, With the defeat of both of Reed's failed state of Syndicalism and Long's American Union State, MacArthur is now faced with the three alliances, The Entente, Mitteleuropa, and the Third Internationale. Douglas now...
The first few months of 1940 were changing by the day as the Earth revolved around the sun, With Douglas issuing and passing laws like and mad man. Across the Atlantic, Things began to heat up once more, With the Third Internationale swinging it's saber and Mitteleuropa preparing for the dawn of a "Second Weltkrieg", MacArthur was faced with both the Entente and Mitteleuropa sending diplomats on how to combat the far left wing parties. In Mexico, The Synarchist Union led by Jose Antonio Urquiza, Were put in power after the Coup. Jose promised that Mexico will not invade any territories of the United States, MacArthur's meeting with a National Populist was a little unorthodox for someone who is an Authoritarian Democrat, But in the end of the meeting, Things went well.
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(Jose Antonio Urquiza after seizing control of Mexico and bringing in a Catholic State for his reformed Government)
In the Union of Britain, Oswald Mosley was giving a speech about how far Totalism has successfully rebuilt Britains economy. But inside the industrial center of Birmingham, A new revolutionary was already printing flyers. This revolutionary was William Henry Pratt, An Ethno-Nationalist by training, Also a staunch ally of both the regimes of MacArthur and Codreanu. MacArthur recently received a letter personally written by Pratt who at the time had over five to nine hundred thousand people who were ready to start another British Civil War. The contents of the letter called for:
90-100 Tanks
A million Rifles, Cannons, and Anti Aircraft Guns
A submarine fleet of good strength
And possibly Volunteers.
Douglas had yet again another choice, He was wondering what Edward VIII would say about this but Edward had sent him a letter to say that the Commonwealth of Canada would help Pratt and his new Civil War against Socialism. MacArthur agreed and sent the needed requirements for the new uprising in the Union of Britain, Mosley on the other hand was still mad that Jack Reed had lost the Second American Civil War.
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(William Henry Pratt pictured right here near one of his base of operations in Industrial Birmingham.)
Pratt lived in secrecy due to the new "Think Police" that would roam the areas of downtown Birmingham, The Think Police were a special police division of the main Constabulary. These police would make people "disappear" of those who opposed the Government, Pratt then was guaranteed by Michael Collins of the Irish Republic, Including MacArthur.
MacArthur had a lot to offer for Pratt to start his armed revolution to restore Britain to it's "Glorious Days" as an Empire with King Edward as it's leader, William started to worry that he would loose his life for the English people, but he was ready to die fighting for freedom. Meanwhile, on the Maginot Line, the Germans and Syndicalist French began to arm and fortify their borders.
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(Pictured here is Imperial German Soldiers near the Rhineland commencing and training for the suspected Second Weltkrieg)
Most people even across the Atlantic knew that there was a high possibility that a new war was on the horizon, Usually, There were rumor's of grenades and artillery shells blowing up just near the river where the bunkers and forts overlooked the position of the German troops. The Senate began to issue a "The Army Institute Of Research and Development", A new Organization to make the Military more stronger than the usual issues, In the middle of June of 1940, The M1 Garand the main service weapon was starting to have problems operating and the Ping of the gun would gave away anyone's position if an enemy were to here it's ping. Kaiser Wilhelm II met personally with American Caesar Douglas MacArthur talking of how the main service rifle of both the Kar98k Karabiner And M1 Garand could be replaced.