Chap.8 "The Colliding Worlds"

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The Leader of the Imperium Enclave remains debatable if there was a leader or if it was just a work of fiction based on a Organization, The American Caesar commented on this debate if he was the true leader of the Imperium Enclave, MacArthur replied with a "No". The True Leader was reported to be former American Union State General George S. Patton Jr. but he also said "No" calling that there was a time machine that could jump beyond the Universe. Then rumors and more reports of a man from the very same time machine began to come to light, His name was "A. Autumn". This General Autumn of the Imperium Enclave began to tell MacArthur to tell the truth about the Enclave, The Enclave had special "Suits" that would be made of very thick titanium armor. Douglas knew that having parallel worlds collide with each other could be very dangerous and may even create a Paradox, He was afraid to announce it but he had to in a very historic speech that would change the way the Kaiserreich world would exist today.

 Douglas knew that having parallel worlds collide with each other could be very dangerous and may even create a Paradox, He was afraid to announce it but he had to in a very historic speech that would change the way the Kaiserreich world would exi...

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(Douglas MacArthur officially announcing the colliding worlds of both Fallout and Kaiserreich on International Television)

Upon hearing of the news, Both sides, Entente, Mitteleuropa, Belgrade Pact, China First, Co-prosperity Sphere, and the American Alliance suddenly stop fighting for just 70 hours. In no time, Thousands upon Thousands of new reals and leaders from all nations came to sit down and see the General of the Enclave speak of it's intentions. MacArthur was proud to have announced this historic moment that some scientists had a "Portal" that can see into another parallel world or another universe. The Second Weltkrieg had paused for seventy hours straight due to the historic moment in history, In no time, The General of the Imperium Enclave had rosed up, He looked old with grayish hair and hazel eyes and spoke with a accent that was of midwestern dialect. He spoke that the universe he originated in was filled with monstrous creatures that Lovecraft could even think of, The world in his universe went to a "Catastrophic Event" that almost wiped the whole worlds population from existence.

 He spoke that the universe he originated in was filled with monstrous creatures that Lovecraft could even think of, The world in his universe went to a "Catastrophic Event" that almost wiped the whole worlds population from existence

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(The profile of General Augustus Autumn, Even though it says colonel, He was promoted by the president in his universe)

Autumn knew he had at least five hours to fully have diplomatic relations with both the Imperium Enclave and the United States of America. John Henry Eden President of the Commonwealth had sent at least two more Generals who were experienced in diplomacy, Knowing well what the Internationale would do to America, General Autumn and a crazed patriot Sergeant Arch Dornan began to call out Communism and Syndicalism as two of the worlds worst ideologies. Arch Dornan is another mystery, He was the drill sergeant of Camp Navarro, The Enclave's main base of operations. Dornan is a crazed Patriotic, Jingoistic, and Patton Era person who does not take no for an excellent reason, Arch has a personality that is steep and based on a "Pure" American sense of humor. MacArthur then started to think if the Second Weltkrieg is officially over, But he was wrong.

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